Large Scale Central

I give up being down

Time to rerail!

Keep the updates coming, JC…

Page four…rerail time.

edit: actually page six! really time to rerail.

Korm Kormsen said:

David Maynard said:

I thought thread drift was mandatory by page 3, if not sooner. (

and i thought, the tradition demands of us

serious answers on page one

arguing and bitching on page two

derailing thread and beating dead horses on three

rerailing on page four ff. …

Oh, thems sound almost like rules. If one guy can do pizzas, and another can put the red aspect on top of his signals, while another chases dreams and fantasies, them I don’t think I have to follow those rules. tho there (

You’d better flog the dream and fantasy chaser.(

But only the King Butt Modeler has floggin privilege, but he can delegate.

to further derail , etc, I actually bent up and laid some track. so following the pattern , we should be bitching and arguing here.

Cost of wood…

Pete Lassen said:

to further derail , etc, I actually bent up and laid some track. so following the pattern , we should be bitching and arguing here.

Why? You haven’t promised to have a “complete” railroad by a certain date, and then went off and done a dozen other things instead.

David Maynard said:

Pete Lassen said:

to further derail , etc, I actually bent up and laid some track. so following the pattern , we should be bitching and arguing here.

Why? You haven’t promised to have a “complete” railroad by a certain date, and then went off and done a dozen other things instead.

Love the Devon reference! (

Joe Zullo said:

John Caughey said:

I almost Boomered this thread last night, I left the pics… but I’m done here. I might add pics to the folder, but…

Geez some people…

What a sore head. It must be the heat. (

This would be a brand new car on my railroad, 1908;

I don’t think your Clampet friends could afford it…

I was wondering if it was just me who felt this way, so I googled;

Have a nice day.

I take that as a personal attack! (

Nice car!

BTW, I thought you said you were done here. (

I think it all depends. Some typos, the really bad errors, should be pointed out, but in a friendly way, so that we can sus out the real meaning of what was botched. I also think people should proofread their posts before hitting “Post Reply”. That could save a lot of confusion.

I also think that a lot of websites, more then can be excused, need to be proofread. The spelling and grammatical errors on some sites, makes it really difficult to figure out what the heck they are trying to say.

But the person pointing out our foibles should understand that no one likes to be corrected all of the time. They should also understand that not everyone is as educated, or as knowledgeable, as they are. As much as my English teachers tried, none of them understood the challenge that I faced. It was only after I graduated from high school, that I figured out the challenge I have been facing. It even has a name, Dyslexia. Now that I understand what held me back, I realize that I wasn’t as stupid as I thought I was.

And, it really torques me off when anyone, anyone, makes it their business to constantly correct someone, only to get upset when they make a mistake and someone corrects them. If its ok (it isn’t) for someone to constantly correct people, they should accept that same behavior in return, when they make a mistake.

Ok, enough form from me. I will go back to sitting on my butt now.

Edit because I only found them there errors on my second proofread.

Joe Zullo said:

I take that as a personal attack! (

Nice car!

BTW, I thought you said you were done here. (

Gee I thought your posting that pic after I said I didn’t /wouldn’t want it on my this thread was when you started, but no it’s not personal, I didn’t do the study, I merely looked and shared the result.

Creative part of thread is what you killed. Why would I let you silence me?

As ever,


edit; strike my

Ya see John, that’s where you are wrong. It’s not YOUR thread!

Joe Zullo said:

Ya see John, that’s where you are wrong. It’s not YOUR thread!

Page one says it is his thread ? Not sure how you are reading it? Perhaps I’m reading it incorrectly but I cannot read.

Come on guys. I’m really enjoying the pictures cause Roosters can’t read.

This post has been edited by : Joe Zullo

No thread on LSC belongs to an individual. They belong to all.

Do not say I edited your post, it’s a damned lie! (

Joe Zullo said:

No thread on LSC belongs to an individual. They belong to all.

Do not say I edited your post, it’s a damned lie! (

OK Buddy

This post has been edited by : Somebody other than Joe Zullo for re editing but no re-edit is needed as the timestamp tells the truth

Sorry John for the thread jack but I’m good at that and have a permit for it …it’s out dated but I have one somewhere ?

More crap

Carry on.