Large Scale Central



The one concept I still don’t get: why would you need to designate sidings and then locate the industries along them? Why not just use industries and leave it up to the user to make sure he/she has the correct length of track for that industry’s unloading allowance?

Just a thought! It would cut out one level, but could still be used for the yard tracks.

OK, I had a few minutes at work to play with my Build 50 at work. I tried to get it to the same point as I am at home, but because of the randomization I can only get close. While putting together screen shots of the starting point, I noticed Build 50 doing the siding shuffle. I have this documented with screen shots, but didn’t want to clog this thread with it. Here is a link to a PDF if wanted… To start, I checked the industries to be sure that the sidings were not marked as a yard. Next I checked Equipment Location and everything was Off-Layout (this is a fresh start DB) Then I built my train MX10 which did a normal job of moving 4 cars from off-layout via a yard track to two industries. After terminating MX10 I again checked the Equipment Location and the cars show at the industries like they should. OK, so lets run Train ZXIC that runs from the interchange to an industry at NOOK…


Car 957 and 170 get shuffled. It looks to me like when an empty becomes a load that it goes right back to the industry demanding loads. Could it be that because I only have a small number of industries (in the case of train ZXIC, just one) and very few cars that there isn’t enough in the database for the program to process properly?

Well, it is still shuffling going nowhere


Picking up and dropping off in the same location. :frowning: :frowning:

Yea, mine’s doing that same thing. Get’s them off the Burns Jct. Yardmaster for delivery to the Burns Jct Interchange.

It’s all part of the plan to save fuel…

Makes for a quick turn too :smiley:

Bruce Chandler said:
It's all part of the plan to save fuel...
Yes Bruce, especially on an electric railway. ;) :)

And this is with the latest ( .52 release ) ?

Bob McCown said:
And this is with the latest ( .52 release ) ?
Yes Sir!

I even indexed the day several times, I ran several days worth of trains, indexed some more and it still does the shuffle. :frowning:

Should I run some more and then send you the DB?

Bob McCown said:
And this is with the latest ( .52 release ) ?
I haven't tried .52 yet, but it did it for me on both .50 and .51

Just started to complete that day i.e. run 5184 (cement empties back to Untervaz), have a look.


Truly weird!

And then I ran the return Wayfreight from Disentis.


Which shuffles all the “Uce” once more, just like a cement mixer! :wink: :slight_smile:

And the return Wayfreight from St.Moritz shuffles the Rk-p again at Bergün



The DB is on the way, I indexed the day a few times and then started building “5105”. Once I saw what’s up I stopped the build and sent you the DB. :wink: :slight_smile: Some very peculiar moves!

HJ: Havent seen the DB yet… resend it?


I just resend, two ways. One or the other should work.

Got it. interesting, you and Fred are showing the same symptoms… not sure why that is happening, code-wise. Odd.

Bob McCown said:
Got it. interesting, you and Fred are showing the same symptoms... not sure why that is happening, code-wise. Odd.
Is there any hope for me??? Fred

Oh yea, I’ll figure it out. Just have to wrap my brain around it. :slight_smile:

Ahhhhhhh… HJ, at least, all the cars getting shuffled have the “when return empty to” set. Ah HA!