If you are still following this thread, I am a relatively new comer to this forum, and generally have been lurking around here for about a year. I have spend many hours reading the posts here, and stopped reading the the old GSM forum for many of the reasons alluded to here. Until this evening, reading this thread and your comments, I felt no need to look into your GSC.
Above you state ‘2. when anyone joins GSC it does say you have to be 13+…’
Please clarify where. I have read the ‘Term of Usage’ (Registration Step 1) without locating such a statement. Registration Step 2 requests personal information, including a birthdate, but no indication of minimum age here either. I would have thought these would have been the most obvious places to locate such a restriction. I did not continue past this Registration Step 2 as I am not interested in becoming a member at this time, but depending…maybe in the future.
In your ‘Terms of Usage’ you state:
“Be civil.
No personal attacks. Do not feel compelled to defend your honour in public. Posts containing personal attacks may be removed from the server.Statements pertaining to 3rd parties, be they companies or individuals, that may be construed as defamatory, potentially slanderous or give rise to any possible liability on the part of the author of said statement shall be removed in order to protect all concerned”
Who is it that makes these monumental decisions? WHO is it that decides WHAT falls into the aforementioned categories? Do you have a legal retainer available? Obviously the UK appears to have considerably different views on freedom of speech (based on your above Terms of Usage) than the USA.
Or is this just an ego trip, having the power to remove something you personally may not like.
I sadly disagree with your statements on education. I believe you are confusing ‘education’ and ‘well traveled/worldly’. A persons education has nothing to do with where he was born, or whether he/she ever left his home town. I have met in my life, people with multiple college degrees who don’t have enough common sense to come inside when it is raining. I have also worked for an individual who is 10 years my junior, who has become a friend of mine, and I consider him to be one of the smartest people I know. He has NO COLLEGE DEGREE. If you are so ‘worldly’ then you will know the truth of the statement that “Redneck is not a location”.
Bob C.