Just like back in the day of the first ECLSTS in York PA.
Here I was way up North in Ottawa, without a clue about what York and area was like. All We had was the note that the show was to be at the Fairgrounds, and the closest hotel was the Holiday Inn, Holidome.
We put out requests to try to get someone living in York, to look at the hotel, as a place to hold a party, and social event, for anyone attending the show…they were NOT asked to pay for anything; just to check the place out…NOT ONE PERSON offered to help…so much for the people in York.
To give credit, where credit is due…The one person to help out a bit, was Diane Mann from Selinsgrove,PA, who drove the distance to check out and report on the hotel. The only help offered.
We decided to do it ourselves, long distance, as it was the only way…that was the start of the DRAG & BRAG, and even free bheer…I even paid for the room. Jan and Ric, jumped in and helped, then took over, to make it the success it has been for a number of years. JAN, and RIC, deserve great credit for their efforts over the years, for the COMPLETE SUCCESS OF THE WHOLE two days of fun, each year.
OK; it looks like the “People in York” are going to have to step up, and start putting their efforts where their mouths are…I won’t be there, and the Goldings won’t be there…will there be any form of meeting place in “The Alcove”…or will there be a DRAG & BRAG…it is now up to the fine people in YORK, to get off their duffs and make it happen…
Any bets, on what it will be like in York, this year…??? It will be most interesting to watch…
Fred Mills