Large Scale Central


From what I understand, someone came in with CASH and wanted those dates for 5 years. Our Show has little financial backing to influence anyone.

Could we possibly get one of the Wonderful and Understanding families that live in the York area to take over storing The Timesaver? I for one would be glad to come out early to help setup. Just an idea. That alcove is mighty uninviting when it’s empty.

Trying to stay polite and in the words of Moses, who went by an alias of Charlton Heston, “FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS”. Now to be polite, way back when there were a number of guys that worked with me ideawise/brainstorming on the early internet as to what would be built. BUT I built the first “Timesaver”, financed the first “Timesaver”, put it in my Kaskaskia Valley Railway, built “Version Two” to share my switchyard with the Gateway Garden Railroad Club Modular Layout and made it also to be part that could be hauled to York for the ECLSTS, plus other venues. All the rolling stock, all the modules, all the track, the curtains, legs, power packs and even the latest track cleaning car were legally purchased with American dollars by me and Lou its MINE. You can’t have it.


(Said calmly) Now for a negotiated sum, to be paid now or in installments, it may be willed to you with permission of my heirs and negotiated through private email. But I did build it as my retirement large scale railroad. I am retired and will keep it until I decide to do otherwise.


Sheeeesh, that’s as nervy as bringing a box car to York, asking me to pay for it at that time and then collect my money back in devalued Canadian dollars, when I haul it to Canada and I take responsibility of sneaking it through Customs.

Now, (saying even more calmly) Lou - I belief you may have suggested this in error. (

Jes’ tryin’ ta figger out an easier way for you to get it there.

I for one, miss it.

And think of the kids, Ric, those poor kids that miss you so.

Lou, I’m sure that Ric would be happy to provide you with dimensions so you can build your own. After all, you do have 4 months. (

Just like back in the day of the first ECLSTS in York PA.

Here I was way up North in Ottawa, without a clue about what York and area was like. All We had was the note that the show was to be at the Fairgrounds, and the closest hotel was the Holiday Inn, Holidome.

We put out requests to try to get someone living in York, to look at the hotel, as a place to hold a party, and social event, for anyone attending the show…they were NOT asked to pay for anything; just to check the place out…NOT ONE PERSON offered to help…so much for the people in York.

To give credit, where credit is due…The one person to help out a bit, was Diane Mann from Selinsgrove,PA, who drove the distance to check out and report on the hotel. The only help offered.

We decided to do it ourselves, long distance, as it was the only way…that was the start of the DRAG & BRAG, and even free bheer…I even paid for the room. Jan and Ric, jumped in and helped, then took over, to make it the success it has been for a number of years. JAN, and RIC, deserve great credit for their efforts over the years, for the COMPLETE SUCCESS OF THE WHOLE two days of fun, each year.

OK; it looks like the “People in York” are going to have to step up, and start putting their efforts where their mouths are…I won’t be there, and the Goldings won’t be there…will there be any form of meeting place in “The Alcove”…or will there be a DRAG & BRAG…it is now up to the fine people in YORK, to get off their duffs and make it happen…

Any bets, on what it will be like in York, this year…??? It will be most interesting to watch…

Fred Mills

Still gotta be the Drag 'n Brag, show or not show!! ( the Early Bird meet…

If there needs to be an alternate Alcove “anchor” / drawing factor to the Timesaver, here’s some starter thoughts:

  • Free coffee
  • Swap meet (tables and attendants; people drop off their priced stuff and others can buy or leave offers)
  • Silent auction (ending Friday afternoon, pickup Saturday late AM?)
  • Drag n Brag: the Show Version (just models; description cards; vote on top 3 faves?)
  • Timesaver Jr: simpler version, sectional track on a table, mainly for kids to operate
  • Talk to the Rooster: a different kind of confessional booth (ok, just kidding there… )



You don’t quite understand.

The Drag & brag, is/was a stand alone event/party, not meant in any way to be a SALE event. It drew people, as a social occasion, sort of a meet and greet…a moderate bit of bheer, a hell of a lot of friendships, and an opportunity to show off/display your modelling talents.

To turn the Alcove into any kind of a used equipment sales area, would involve paying rent, and getting permission from the show co-ordinators, and most likely the Fire Marshal’s office. It is a fire escape area…

The Alcove, and the Drag & Brag, do not require “Fixing”. They just need some new people to take over the responsibilities that Jan and Ric have looked after for a number of years.

Time for the people/Large scale modellers from York to step up and look after it. There are a few of them that even appear on this web page…and then there are others that live within 50 miles or less of York, many of them retired, with voices often heard…

Fred Mills

Didn’t mean to offend you Fred, my apologies. Just wanted to throw some ideas around.

No offence taken, Cliff…


By the way, as most readers may have observed; Ric and Jan, are not, and never have been local Residents of York, or its region…again OUT OF TOWNERS HAVE CARRIED THE LOAD.

Dang, no D n B? No magnet for the best BS’ers?

Who, are we, the disenfranchised members, going to harass for pictures?

Too soon.

It didn’t happen.(

It’s really going to suck if they change the dates this late in the game. I definitely won’t be there if it’s the weekend before.

At this point, there have been no comments from some of the long term people who ALWAYS seem to attend the ALCOVE, and the Drag & Brag.

Where are these people, and what have they to say about the future of; The Drag & Brag; The Alcove; The LSTS, The Large Scale Part of the hobby, and even the not-so-many people supporting this web page ?

Who are the people that will still get off their arses and support the hobby, with actions, not just words such as; “We should do…” Who is “We”…?

For my part, and a few others; we will keep open our “Operating” railroads, and share them with others of like interests…others will still try to keep the “Social Club/Garden railroad societies” together…and others will follow their fellows to closing down, through lack of interest. The Manufacturers have just about given up. Even Bachmann which produces for most scales, does not show up for the show in Syracuce…which is not too far from their head office. SAD, SAD…

Age is catching up with a lot of us. Even, while relatively healthy; we can’t travel as far as we used to; so we can’t take part actively as we used to. Have we done our share in the past ?..who is willing to take up the challenge for the future ?

Fred Mills

Fred, I guess most folks over there are still recovering from Thanksgiving (both America and Canada) and gearing them selves up for Christmas and New Year. (

These days I live from day to day - and I am sure many here also do, due to age or health, so something over three months away is probably not top of the list. Yes, it is good to look forward, I know, so keep on reminding folks Fred, without support the Show will fade away.

No mention in the Events section …

PICTURES! 3 pages of discussion and so far only one posting talking about the PICTURES. I know the event hasn’t taken place. But still why hasn’t anyone posted PICTURES, yet? (

PM1225.jpgThis is the best I can do Ric. After all the Polar Express is imminent but the East Coast Show comes later. (

Fred Mills. said:

At this point, there have been no comments from some of the long term people who ALWAYS seem to attend the ALCOVE, and the Drag & Brag.

Where are these people, and what have they to say about the future of; The Drag & Brag; The Alcove; The LSTS, The Large Scale Part of the hobby, and even the not-so-many people supporting this web page ?

Who are the people that will still get off their arses and support the hobby, with actions, not just words such as; “We should do…” Who is “We”…?

For my part, and a few others; we will keep open our “Operating” railroads, and share them with others of like interests…others will still try to keep the “Social Club/Garden railroad societies” together…and others will follow their fellows to closing down, through lack of interest. The Manufacturers have just about given up. Even Bachmann which produces for most scales, does not show up for the show in Syracuce…which is not too far from their head office. SAD, SAD…

Age is catching up with a lot of us. Even, while relatively healthy; we can’t travel as far as we used to; so we can’t take part actively as we used to. Have we done our share in the past ?..who is willing to take up the challenge for the future ?

Fred Mills

I nominate Rooster. He’s a Spring Chicken. (

well said

Lou Luczu said:

Talked to Dan Viera from Star Hobby at the Greenberg Show today. He told me that the 2019 ECLSTS has been moved to

22&23 March 2019 by the new Manager at the York Convention Center. Will be changed shortly on the website and in GR.

Perhaps shortly means something different these days…but for now, the website still says

2019 SHOW



​Friday, March 29, 2019 - 9am-5pm
Saturday, March 30, 2019 - 9am-4pm