Large Scale Central

ECLSTS in 2014

I will be working the Train-Li both.

I haven’t been to the ECLSTS for a few years, Anybody have any idea, with Aristo gone, if there will be some sort of show car or Engine?

From the AC Forum, Harry Hartman is now running the shows. He said that time was probably too tight to get a show car made.

Just made my reservations. Use the code EAC to obtain the special rate.

When I entered the date, it said there were no rooms available, but I didn’t let that stop me. :wink:

I just entered the code and all of a sudden I was OK.

See y’all there!

Bruce Chandler said:

Just made my reservations. Use the code EAC to obtain the special rate.

When I entered the date, it said there were no rooms available, but I didn’t let that stop me. :wink:

I just entered the code and all of a sudden I was OK.

See y’all there!

Just making sure this is the correct hotel:

Don’t want Ken putting me up in a hotel 50 miles away

Harry’s new web site. This is the place to view to check what is going on and when.

Made Jane’s and my reservations this past Monday…

Vincent, right hotel, wrong rate. :wink:

Check the site that Alan posted for more info.

Bruce Chandler said:

Vincent, right hotel, wrong rate. :wink:

Check the site that Alan posted for more info.

Yeah I was just playing around with the date when I copied the link!

Vincent D’Agostino said:

Just making sure this is the correct hotel:

Don’t want Ken putting me up in a hotel 50 miles away

Rats, he didn’t fall for it…:wink:

Just made my reservation for Friday and possibly Saturday nights at the Holiday Inn. I’ve been staying at the Red Roof the last few years for a few bucks less, but decided that the breakfast and not getting confused on the way home after the D&B like I did last year is worth the price of admission.

Jon Radder said:

but decided that the breakfast and not getting confused on the way home after the D&B like I did last year is worth the price of admission.

I think finding the Red Roof might be easier than finding your room at the Holiday Inn :wink:

Bruce Chandler said:

Just made my reservations. Use the code EAC to obtain the special rate.

When I entered the date, it said there were no rooms available, but I didn’t let that stop me. :wink:

I just entered the code and all of a sudden I was OK.

See y’all there!

Thanks for the tip, Bruce.
I decided I couldn’t be the only cheap azz in the bunch…so Holiday Inn it is :wink:
I guess this means I can drink more than one beer.
I’ll have to see if I can dig up another quart of “shine” :slight_smile:

Just made my reservation. Arrive dinner-time-ish-Thursday, show Friday, D&B Friday evening, more show Sat Am, then leave around lunch time.


And anybody that wants to stop by and check out the RGS either going to the show or heading home is more than welcome.

And anybody that wants to stop by and check out the RGS either going to the show or heading home is more than welcome.

Just made mine. will be arriving Thursday later and leaving Saturday afternoon.

Just made ours also, we will heading there for Friday AM and leaving Sunday AM.
We can’t leave to get there until around 10pm on the Thursday night so you will probably find us sleeping in the parking lot bright and early Friday morning!

Our room is reserved. The Drag and Brag room is reserved on the Friday Night of that weekend. Just make sure you all have reserved the time to have some fun.

117 Days and a wake up, but who’s counting?

We’ll be there Thursday till Saturday around Noon.

Can’t wait !