Large Scale Central

ECLSTS in 2014

Ok, we got our invite, Our club will be there.

As always feel free to stop by and run some trains or just to say hello.


Our members always look forward to attending the ECLSTS. It’s the first road trip of the year that says good bye to winter and hello to a new railway operating season.

Last year after visiting Ken near Philadelphia, we arrived at the hotel late and were totally surprised to find the bar packed. Three years ago we were the only people in the place because the restaurant was full. By the time it closed my voice was hoarse from talking over the din.

The show had lots of good deals, and I met so many friends it took me hours to make my first pass through the aisles.

The LSC Drag and Brag is always a pleasure. One non-attendee complained that people offering items for sale would turn it into a flea market and hamper the socializing. But I don’t think it deterred anyone from exchanging pleasantries with their LSC friends, and people were happy with their sales and purchases.

Paul & Nico, please mention your club names so we can look for you and/or your club layouts!

Lou Nico’s club is the Pocono Mountain Garden Railways Society. Would be nice Nico if you guys can set up close to the LSC crew?

I won’t know who anybody is, but I will post our picture before we head there…
So you will know to either say hi to us…or avoid us!

Shawn Viggiano said:

Lou Nico’s club is the Pocono Mountain Garden Railways Society. Would be nice Nico if you guys can set up close to the LSC crew?

Lou, although Shawn likes to deny it he is also in the club. LOL. I will look into moving us.

I think big green is right there aren’t they?


Name tags, Bob. I’m not sure the new website has them.

I will try to dig up a group picture if the cops haven’t confiscated it. Oh, John Foerstier is the one with the red nose!

Vincent D’Agostino said:

I won’t know who anybody is, but I will post our picture before we head there…
So you will know to either say hi to us…or avoid us!

There’s a hang out at the far end of the room with the layouts called the “Alcove” where Ric sets up his Timesaver layout. It’s by the doors looking out at the tracks…:wink:

You can’t miss it, Vinny. Eventually, everyone usually stops by to say “Hi”, shoot the bull, display their trophies, or just plain sit down and rest…

Hi Lou!

I belong to the Ottawa Valley GRS in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I usually have a name tag stuck on my shirt pocket at the show. There is a big red maple leaf on the tag that makes it easy to spot.

You will find me talking to people in the bar on Thursday night.

Friday morning slowly making my way down the aisles of the vendors’ displays answering peoples’ questions about battery power and radio control as I go.

Friday afternoon hauling bags full of goodies out to car. Or hanging around the Alcove at the back of the displays chatting with the LSC members I have met over the years.

Friday night after dinner I am at the LSC Drag and Brag in one of the banquet rooms.

Saturday we head home with the car so stuffed full of goodies it hard to fit the passengers in.

Last year three of us went not expecting to buy anything, but came home with $2200 worth of train stuff.

Did you come down with Johnny Chuff-Chuff? If so, I met you and forgot!

Paul Norton said:

Hi Lou!

I belong to the Ottawa Valley GRS in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I usually have a name tag stuck on my shirt pocket at the show. There is a big red maple leaf on the tag that makes it easy to spot.

You will find me talking to people in the bar on Thursday night.

Friday morning slowly making my way down the aisles of the vendors’ displays answering peoples’ questions about battery power and radio control as I go.

Friday afternoon hauling bags full of goodies out to car. Or hanging around the Alcove at the back of the displays chatting with the LSC members I have met over the years.

Friday night after dinner I am at the LSC Drag and Brag in one of the banquet rooms.

Saturday we head home with the car so stuffed full of goodies it hard to fit the passengers in.

Last year three of us went not expecting to buy anything, but came home with $2200 worth of train stuff.

And Lou, he looks just like his picture.

Im pondering heading down Thursday, too. I miss the Sat/Sun at the show, so maybe Fri/Sat instead this time…

We head down Thursday after work to get in the early bargains on Friday morning. It will be different this year with Trainworld gone and probably no modeling contest.
But it’s always good to see the LSC guys and hang out. I wonder if the D&B will be like Times Square again?

Last drag-n-brag was the best yet. Lots of great people. If theres no modeling contest, then the table at the DnB will have to do.

Have to do? Heck, the DnB is the best part of the “show”.

Bruce Chandler said:

Have to do? Heck, the DnB is the best part of the “show”.

Andy…Dad …was wearing his …

I’m gonna /wanna be in this yesr!

I may have overlooked it, But what are the dates for the 2014 eclsts?..Thanks,

March 21 & 22 2014

ECLSTS future is looking very positive. I phoned the Holiday Inn to book rooms for the “Large Scale Train Show” they asked if I wanted them for the March or September show.