Large Scale Central

ECLSTS in 2014

Just got a note from Harry that the East Coast Large Scale Train Show is scheduled for 2014. He’s wanting to get the word out that the party continues. We’ll be there.

We have not received the invite as a club, but either way, I will be there.

Looking forward to seeing and speaking with you all again.


I am sure you will get your Club invite Nico. I do know Harry is busy working on the Show but I guess Traders’/dealers are top of the list, others such as Clubs probably second.

I am hoping he is able to do a Fall Show as well - I guess the Spring one will be the decider on that. A couple of people, when 'phoning Stateside recently, have asked when I might come over. I said from what I have always understood it is Fall that is the best time to be in New England. Well, that is a year away and a lot of things, as you get older, can change your lifestyle in that time.

I read somewhere, that he has already booked the building for the Fall show too.

I missed the Spring show two years in a row. I’m gonna try like hell to not make it three in a row :wink:

Hopefully he can move it a little later in the Spring. Freezing rain one year and snow another. A few weeks later would make a big difference especially for those of us coming from the north.

I think there has only been one time I went to York that it didn’t rain/snow…Garret Co. Maryland is no fun with blowing snow and 50 mph winds on the interstate…

Someone else who is not a big fan of Keysers Ridge I see. It does seem to have a weather pattern of it’s own. It can be sunny and 50 all around it, but when you hit the ridge it can be a white out blizzard

WOW! you guys almost frightened me off: but then I realized I would have to travel that road from Harrisburg to York. lol

I 81 anywhere from Harrisburg north to the Canadian Border . This year the interstate was closed due to Blizzard conditions north of Syracuse. Other years the problems have been closer to Harrisburg.

Ric Golding said:

Just got a note from Harry that the East Coast Large Scale Train Show is scheduled for 2014. He’s wanting to get the word out that the party continues. We’ll be there.

Your not bringing dad are you?

Ric goes nowhere without him. :slight_smile:

We are planning on attending the March show, already have the date blocked off on my schedule.
Never been before, looking forward to it.

David Russell said:

Ric Golding said:

Just got a note from Harry that the East Coast Large Scale Train Show is scheduled for 2014. He’s wanting to get the word out that the party continues. We’ll be there.

Your not bringing dad are you?

If it works like last year, then I’ll be bringing Ric… :slight_smile:

Looking forward to it again. I will be heading down again. Cant wait. You guys haven’t see snow until you get above I80… Last year I had almost a foot of snow on the ground. By the time I got below 80 the snow was gone all the way to York, lol

Well I have to say I don’t care for snow. It is alright in mountains for those who can ski but it is a real pain (in many places) otherwise. We may get a dusting of snow here in my part of the UK every ten years and that brings total standstill. Other parts of the country get it regularly and in varying depths. But is is a small affair usually compared to part of North America.

In case you are wondering Harry hopes to do a Spring and a Fall show.

I marked on my calendar:

ECLSTS Spring 21-22 March

Fall Show 19-20 September

Planning to be there & looking forward to seeing you all again…
Lou: an announcement: The Skipper has made it to the top of my to-do list, tools and raw material now collected at at my end of the dining room table. Regards to Susan.

Randy McDonald said:

Ric goes nowhere without him. :slight_smile:

I gotta have a talk with Ric then Randy!

Oh Lord, another “talk with the chicken”. This get humiliating.

Thanks, John. Always look forward to seeing you guys from the Frozen North! Guess I should bring the trolley with me and we can share at the D&B.