Large Scale Central

ECLSTS in 2014

Please take lots of pictures and post them here for those of us on the wrong side of the country.

Dave Schmitz said:

Please take lots of pictures and post them here for those of us on the wrong side of the country.

…and also for us not even IN the Country. lol

Doug: I laid out a Timesaver on the basement floor that I was going to run this winter, but that’s as far as I got. It is 30" X 11’

Early weather reports are in. 50’s and some rain on Thursday; 49 Partly Cloudy on Friday, 49 and Cloudy on Saturday. Not bad considering it’s 16F here this morning. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

What is address of the Holiday Inn were you all are meeting next weekend.
Is there more than 1 Holiday inn in York?

Its the Holidome on Loucks Rd.

We will be leaving for the show on Thursday night (after our bowling league) so probably hitting the road sometime around 11pm.
Should…should miss most traffic no matter which route we decide on taking coming from RI.

I cant wait. I even got Rooster a present hehe

Thanks Bob

7 Days and counting…


"…and also for us not even IN the Country. lol "

Especially !! :slight_smile:

Jon Radder said:

OK - I’m quite confused by this video. It is the current version of the Timesaver, but not in the usual Alcove location. Was this produced at one of the fall shows?

EDIT _ I guess it would have helped if I read the opening credits; 2008 Southeast Show

That was filmed in Perry, GA.

The actual dimensions are 16 ft x 31 inches, but Rooster was right on the money on the 30 inches of usable layout the extra inch is the bulkhead wall for storage one on top of the other or there bouts. Rooster will hold me to the .00000000000000000000001 of an inch.

3 days and a wake up. I am sooooooo ready.

Oooooo yeah, Ric. I never did get my Timesaver built, just laid out on the basement floor.

Now there’s a name for a rock group - Laid Out On The Basement Floor!

Just a heads up

If this man is spotted at the ECLSTS in York this year please contact your local model train authorities. He is wanted for gang related violations and armed with a K-27 approach this man cautiously!

Ric Golding said:

3 days and a wake up. I am sooooooo ready.

Me too!

Andy/Dad sold me that pic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Johnny, I know you’re out there. Ken is going to point out Doug and/or Paul, and I will give them your package. The ice cubes will be inside of the object - if they don’t melt!

Lou your engine carrier was packed this afternoon in AndyC 's truck. We are getting just down to a wake up. I am so ready.

Thanks Lou. Thanks Ken. It’ll get here by relay, one way or another. If those guys get it to Fred, I’ll have it soon as he’s visiting me here after the thaw. Reminds me of last year. On its way back to Canada, my vat car first went down to Florida, go figure. Then Ric got it out west and brought it up to Ottawa, where I picked it up from him and brought it home.
The picture of the van posted earlier on this thread pretty much explains how little safe space some folks have & that’s why the vat car took the long detour.
Here’s hoping you guys all have a great time this weekend, I’ll be missing you!
I expect to see a bunch of rowdy Yankee invaders up here again in July, and I’m sure looking forward to that… We have an additional railroad on the agenda, in Belleville, ON., Similar concept to Ottawa but newly constructed last year and this. Most likely date will be the Thursday or Friday, Details will follow. Consider checking it out too as part of your invasion plan this year.
Cheers everyone!