Large Scale Central

ECLSTS in 2014

John Le Forestier said:

Thanks Lou. Thanks Ken. It’ll get here by relay, one way or another. If those guys get it to Fred, I’ll have it soon as he’s visiting me here after the thaw.

Your quite welcome, John! We’ll get it to Paul and have Paul get it to Fred.

And you will be missed.

John i raced in Belleville many years ago nice town.


Your welcome, John. So you won’t mind if I display your surprise in the alcove until we find a carrier?

'Course not!

I was going to bring this, but being as John LeForestier cannot attend, I am posting these pictures instead.

A few years ago I brought my Toonerville Trolley to the D&B. John saw it and knew that the trolley had to have a “Skipper”. So he created these 6 incredible figures. Enjoy:


Forums are quiet today, everyone must be traveling to York!

See you all there.

Yes I think your right!
Most will be lurking and waiting for pics!

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Most will be lurking and waiting for pics!

How right you are lol


I hope you’re still bringing those figures - and the trolley. They look great.

Do I hafta?


Packing tonight, leaving early in the morning. After Breakfast, of course!

John- did you see the pictures of your people?

Truck all packed except my suitcase. Leaving about 8AM tomorrow. What am I forgetting?


Bob McCown said:
Truck all packed except my suitcase. Leaving about 8AM tomorrow. What am I forgetting?

Leave a trail of breadcrumbs so I can follow it when we leave at 11pm tomorrow!

Flying into KTHV friday morning. Going to squeak through between the DC ADIZ and Camp David this time, hopefully the black helicopters won’t be after me…

Lou Luczu said:

Packing tonight, leaving early in the morning. After Breakfast, of course!

John- did you see the pictures of your people?

I have now, and I love what you’ve done with them, Lou! It’s cool to see the Skipper in his trolley at last. Katrinka looks amazing doing her laundry with all those wonderful accessories - just fabulous! Having Tomboy Taylor run alongside the trolley like that is the perfect finishing touch - we have to figure she was a hyperactive kid. You’ve created a delightful bit of whimsy!
I see Bruce is following all this. Bruce, all these characters are based on the old Toonerville Folk comics.
Have a great time, guys!

Bob your wife if not, me pick me up at lee ext, on Ma.pike. lol


THe Clarkes and Goldings made it to Breezewood before dark and supper, strange. Nice meal and heading to Orbisonia to meet up with Ken B. in the a.m. Lunch at Pizza Star and headed for York.

Current thoughts are heading to Horseshoe Curve on Sunday, to be discussed at the Drag and Brag. Your thoughts may include this or change our minds.

Ric Golding said:

THe Clarkes and Goldings made it to Breezewood before dark and supper, strange. .

I know… I can feel my fathers presence.