Large Scale Central

ECLSTS - an LSC Happening?

I’ve got some stuff to unload at York if anyone is interested. Too bad there isn’t a trading table!

  • Plastic wheels: 16 axles. Aristo-Craft
  • Annie Boiler; both domes, no stack or smokebox front
  • Annie Cab
  • 5 passenger truck frames (Bachmann, I believe). Only one has wheels. Don’t ask me why I have 5. :wink:
  • Some 1/24 vehicles

Gee - I’ve got a few items to unload myself. If you see anything you want on this list, email me and I’ll bring 'em to York.

Lewis would love for us to have a ‘swap table’. He’d only charge full price :smiley:

Items sat down in the alcove and mistakenly taken home by someone else is nobody’s fault. Heck, there has been a caboose traveling most of the Northeast this last year trying to find its new home road.

We have always tried to provide room for a table for the display of interesting projects.

Latest news is this will probably be last time you see the original “KV Timesaver” as it is known. We have just taken on a project to convert it to triple duty of being able to be part of the KVRwy in Carlyle, part of the Gateway Garden Railroad Club modular layout and still stand independent for its own appearances in train show like the ECLSTS. Realignment is scheduled shorlty after York and a "Home and Garden Show in St. Louis. As of last night the garage is currently full of train modules. Probably pictures ot follow.

Ric Golding said:
Items sat down in the alcove and mistakenly taken home by someone else is nobody's fault. Heck, there has been a caboose traveling most of the Northeast this last year trying to find its new home road. [b][/b]
And it will be traveling to it's new home road by way of York, PA :D

So you claim. :wink: That’s got to be one traveling caboose!

So long as Lee remembers it when he meets me in Danbury - It’ll be in the car for the ride. Coming up ‘the Dan’ via a scheduled move of Metro North.

Not what you call quick shipping, but you can’t beat the price :smiley:

Somebody better take this rain away or we’ll be sitting here manning the pumps instead of enjoying the “Starlight Dinner”. 5.75 inches since 4 pm Monday evening. Most has fallen south of the lake watershed, so our project willl just be holding future rains while this drains out.

“The South shall rise again” is going to be a true statement regarding items that float.

This is all going northeast. Starting to feel concerned about Rock HIll / Orbisonia, that is already very saturated.

And your sending all that crap my way too. You can keep it.

I cleaned out the drains last night in hopes of saving some of the back yard. Every 2+ inch rain I get some type of erosion because of plugged drains.

Just put the pump away last weekend too. Might be setting that up again tonight. :frowning:

Warm & Sunny predicted for tomorrow - the first official day of Spring.

…feel for us up here in Ottawa too…rain is not needed any more than snow…just got another 4 inches of snow overnight, and now raining steadily…It is wise for me to not even think of York…may need to man the pumps right here…

Plame it all on that man “Marvin” in Texas…he’s sending it all out post paid…!!!

Well the caboose is stuck in Branford, CT for another couple of months. Lee had a death in the family and has to travel for the funeral. Won’t be back until late Friday so he had to cancel.

If I get a cheque within the first few days of the last week in March…I “Might” be knocking on the back door of “The Alcove”, on Friday morning.
At this point it doesn’t look like it happening, but I do try to THINK positive…

I hear Mr Radder may have space for a body to sleep in…

I will be there from thursday to sunday I’ll meet you guys at the hotel should be there thursday about 4:00

Bob McCown said:
I hear Mr Radder may have space for a body to sleep in...
Fred snores........big time.....;)

Duct Tape would solve the problem !!!

We leave 8 am on Wednesday morning. Plan is to make it to Breesewood, Pa. on Wednesday night. Explore EBT Thursday morning and then over to York about 2pm and setup the “Timesaver”. At the Holiday Inn on Loucks Thursday, Friday, Saturday evening and then back to EBT on Sunday Morning. Depending on weather, we will decide how far we get home on Sunday and then drive the rest of the way on Monday.

Ken Brunt said:
Bob McCown said:
I hear Mr Radder may have space for a body to sleep in...
Fred snores........big time.....;)
So did I until they put me on a mechanical breathing machine at night. If he can put up with the noise from the machine, I doubt I'll hear him :)
Ken Brunt said:
Fred snores........big time.....;)
You will note I didn't offer the spare bed in my room.
Bob McCown said:
Ken Brunt said:
Fred snores........big time.....;)
You will note I didn't offer the spare bed in my room.
Smart man!!