Lurking around the chat room yesterday it looks like we may once again have an extended LSC gathering at ECLSTS. I said a while back I wasn’t going and Ric accused me of waffling as of late. I guess I am since I’ve started to think seriously about it.
I called the York Expo Center today and inquired about RV Overnight in the fairgrounds. They have plenty of space and the fee is reasonable, but only electric hook-ups in March. I hate paying $3.20/gallon for gasoline to haul water at 7MPG so I’m looking elsewhere. There looks to be a pretty good year-round campground on 182 a few miles South of the fairgrounds with full hook-ups - that’s even better.
I just emailed my boss with a tentative time-off request.
So who else is committed to going??
Can we somehow convince Fred to come ??? He doesn’t need plan or run a shindig, just show up.