Large Scale Central

ECLSTS - an LSC Happening?

Bruce - YES - Bring them both :smiley: There will be someone at the table whenever the show is open.

Let me guess what will be in the model contest, despite the “Never been entered in any contest before” rules. The huge coal tipple, the Viagra tank car, and that RS3 conversion. I miss anything?


I feel you should almost be required to enter your M-3 into the modeling contest. I’ve been watching these contests for years and that is a good model. Bring a picture of the EBT M-3 for comparison. That is fine work. The rest of the time, I hope it is at “the alcove”. You should enter some of your 1:20.3 cars and Box Cab,also.

Lots of people to hang out with, place to sit/nap and store your new purchases, snack bar on one side, head on the other side, what more could you want? All are welcome.

Wonder if we can pull together an LSC Model Contest? I wonder if we’d get thrown out? Hell, Shad got in trouble for posting photos from the show.

Thanks for the nice compliments. Unfortunately the rules state that you cannot pick up the model before 4 PM, and we have to leave before that. I guess I’ll just have to let you and Jon play with it in your alcove. :wink:

I need to remember to bring some M-3 pictures. I just finished redoing the body, as I wasn’t happy with the paint job. This time I have LED lights, just to reduce size and heat build up.

I’m really bringing it for the drag and brag on Friday night. Having it in your alcove will just be an extra plus. I think I’ll also bring my Inspection Car and my new flagman. :slight_smile:


Enter it. I’ll make sure you get it back by the end of - Oh July? Could you bring the transmitter, also?. I can “store” it so much better for you, if I can run it on the rails. :wink: Purely, to keep it from freezing up from lack of use. I’m sure you understand? Just looking out for you, buddy. A couple of the box cars and that box cab, also. Please? Sorry, you have to leave early.

I can tell how sorry you are, Ric. :wink:

I’m pretty sure that the motor car won’t be able to do much on your Timesaver, but it’ll be fun all the same. I can guarantee there will be zero coupler problems.

I’d be happy to bring the M-3 home to Maryland until you could come pick it up. It will look a bit small sitting next to my rail truck on the contest table. Seriously, maybe Jack could bring it back to old Virginny for you.


Thanks for the offer Brian, but I’m not much of a contest guy. I’ll enjoy having it over at Ric & Jon’s area.

Dang, now I need to figure out what to bring.

Bob McCown said:
Dang, now I need to figure out what to bring.
Now there's some real trama - Bob trying to figure what to bring to the show.

This drag-and-brag stuff is serious business!

I didn’t make it last year, so I better look back and see what I’ve made since the last visit. Or what I can bring. I think Matheson Textiles will stay here.

It’s getting close.

Who’s attending?

Ric, are you “hosting” the “drag-and-brag”?

I, of course, will be there, with my box o’ tshirts. Anyone that doesnt have one, look me up. If you have your LSC badge on, Ill give you a shirt free!

I’ll also have a handful of Jersey George figures, too.

Bobby…Bobby…I’ll wear my LSC badge even in bed for a "T"shirt…!!!

…but sadly, I’ll be wearing it around Ottawa, and not in York…

Bob McCown said:
Dang, now I need to figure out what to bring.
Oh, the pressure. I really can't feel sorry for you, Bob.

Working a train show in St. Louis (Collinsville, Il) this weekend. Recruited another poor sole to join us. Dave Miller is considering coming along. Fresh meat, poor boy doesn’t know what a real large scale train show is. He’ll probably be sitting in the corner babbling by the end of the first day.

Tell you what, Ric. If I get a cheque within the next weak or two; I just might jump in the automobile and head South to join you in the Alcove…Bobby better have a LSC "T"Shirt for me…!!

…yes Weak…!!! it is a weak chance that I will be there, but if Ric keeps an eye on that back door; you never know who may show up…!!!