Large Scale Central

ECLSTS - an LSC Happening?

We changed out minds…again. We’re going to skip the museum this time, so Jean and I will show up early afternoon for the show on Friday. And leave by noon on Saturday.

Anyway, hope to see y’all for dinner at the diner and drag and brag that night!


Holiday Inn, Loucks Rd. - YORK, PA

The KVRy Switching Puzzle contingent arrived today about 3 PM. The alcove display was set and ready by 5PM. A leisurely dinner at the Starlite Diner followed and everyone retired to their rooms about 8:45 PM. Without Fred here to lead the party, these old farts just tuned into pumpkins :o

Wake up call set for 6, breakfast at the Starlight at 7, then off to the fairgrounds for final tweaking before the show opens at 9.

Stop by the alcove and say hello.


See you guys about 10…:wink:

On the road in about 15 minutes. I should be getting there about 3.