Large Scale Central


But Boomer, didn’t I talk to you last year? When I was alone, because the group was ignoring me… (, was you ignoring me too? (

David Maynard said:

But Boomer, didn’t I talk to you last year? When I was alone, because the group was ignoring me… (, was you ignoring me too? (

Not to worry, Boomer has a long history of ignoring all of us…

Dave I don’t think “Wow, these potato chips have some great salt on them…” really counts as a conversation…


Boomer who??? (

Boomer K. MOGWAI said:

On a side note, and not to sound picky, but I would appreciate if you would all stop ignoring me like you have done in the past. It is like I am not even there and it is starting to hurt my feelings.

Just bring your smoker …(

Everyone would not be ignoring you …just tell the fire dept it’s live steam …it’s suppose to smoke…

One of these days I am going to show up for real. There will be trains, beer and hijinx; of course the next morning there will be public shame, court ordered restitution and public apologies issued to the greater York area… possibly followed by an armed escort out of town.

Then I will ride off into the sunset as Bruce asks “Who was that mask man?”

All will wave farewell before wiping off their temporary tattoos (Ric’s “Juggalo” tattoo will be permanent) and somebody will comment “Hey wasn’t this the year Boomer was to suppose to come to ECLSTS?”

and somebody else will answer, “Yes…but as usual he was a no-show”

I’m thinking that anyone named ““Boomer”” should be laying the back end of a KC-135 or KC-10…

Just my thoughts… (

Boomer K. MOGWAI said:

Dave I don’t think “Wow, these potato chips have some great salt on them…” really counts as a conversation…


Well gee, isn’t salt supposed to raise one’s blood pressure? My blood pressure has been borderline low for most of my life. So it could have been the start of a conversation, if you would have replied.

Boomer K. MOGWAI said:

One of these days I am going to show up for real. There will be trains, beer and hijinx; of course the next morning there will be public shame, court ordered restitution and public apologies issued to the greater York area… possibly followed by an armed escort out of town.

Then I will ride off into the sunset as Bruce asks “Who was that mask man?”

All will wave farewell before wiping off their temporary tattoos (Ric’s “Juggalo” tattoo will be permanent) and somebody will comment “Hey wasn’t this the year Boomer was to suppose to come to ECLSTS?”

and somebody else will answer, “Yes…but as usual he was a no-show”

Well, sometimes it IS hard to tell who is behind the mask…

Boomer K. MOGWAI said:

Dave I don’t think “Wow, these potato chips have some great salt on them…” really counts as a conversation…


If you made it to Pennsylvania you would realize how many GREAT potato chips manufactures are here. Major,minor and freelance as well .

Bruce D. Chandler said:

Well, sometimes it IS hard to tell who is behind the mask…

Charlie Ro ?

I like Western MD RR, and am pleased that WM coal hoppers are one of the show cars at ECLSTS this year

Since I live near Star Hobby I swung by and picked up a 4 pack

Nice looking cars, I am delighted to get a road name that does not often appear


Yea, I have a string of 6 100 ton Western Maryland hoppers. I just may have to nab a few of the show cars. So they have a set of 4? Cool.


Yes set of 4 if you want, with different road numbers as well


That’s the important part, different road numbers.

Used SS track at show.

Greg there are a few 10ft wide radius and crossings at the show around $50 each. #6 $80 be glad to pick up some for you.


Thanks Stan, actually picked them up locally. I’ll look for one more right hand wr, but the shipping kills the “good deal”…

I have tons of lefts and #6 and still 3 boxes of 5’ straights… it was just weird to run out of RH ones.

Be sure to enjoy the show and thanks!


Going through terrible withdrawal and shakes this morning. I hope all of you have a great time! Enjoy the frivolity. If you can speak to anyone about why some aren’t there, be sure to mention keeping the show away from Easter Weekend. Man this SUCKS!

For those that are not afraid of using Face Book LSC has been posting pictures from the show all morning…

Maybe someone who isn’t obsessed with farcebook, could send out a bit, to some of us that can’t be there…or is that asking too much ?