Large Scale Central

Devistation @ the Limestone Ridge Line

Gee, that second shot looks like a great model of abandoned roadbed :slight_smile:

That whole section looked like that today.

It looks to me like you’ve gone from where your roadbed was maybe the worst part of your pike to where now it’s becoming the best part. It sure looks pretty serious to me now. Way to go, David!

I hope you’re pleased with the results so far; I think now you’ll be able to look forward to some really reliable running this Summer, and best of all, we hope, not very much fixing up to do NEXT Spring! :slight_smile:

I have about 40 feet like what is at the top of pic 2. Then it’s not too bad for bout 80’ of the remaining trackage to the compleation.

All work on the R O W has been haulted for the day, because of Thunder Storms rolling through.
You can find us all at the local pub. Cause its nice n warm there.

Dave looking good. I like the overgrown look. Thats what Im looking for on my mine siding.
Now that you are retired you wont have any excuse for letting the tracks go.

Those storms are just rolling through here now. There is some word in the woods that some snow might be moving in for the weekend. Ugh

Come and take it back with you, I’ll let you take all the overgrown you can handle or want.
If the weather holds out it should take 4 days of work to complete the track work.

Shawn said:
Dave looking good. I like the overgrown look. Thats what Im looking for on my mine siding. Now that you are retired you wont have any excuse for letting the tracks go.

Those storms are just rolling through here now. There is some word in the woods that some snow might be moving in for the weekend. Ugh

Well maybe it will take a bit longer than 4 days.
It’s been slow going today.

I’m not happy with the way it looked before.
I changed some of the track side a bit.
I will take the camera out when I take my little Buddy out this afternoon.
Stay tuned for the pictures. I know everyone like pictures.

Well I guess there wont be any pictures today the camera I used is junk. Back it goes.

Some cameras you just have to give 'em the boot!

I’m sending this one back.
My phone camera works better.

Back to using the phone camera. Looking from my walkway east. The track was removed to dig weeds out and new stone put down ready to be leveled.


And Yes the outhouse is clean!

This is all that is left to level and replace the track.


The start of a stone walk way.


I have some stones to place after I finish the track, and some weeding and mowing and I’ll be ready to run my Forney.

Shoot some video of that Forney :slight_smile:

Sure is nice weather. We are supposed to be 83 by Sunday,

Looking good!

If you look real close you can see piles of weed here and there that I pulled or dug out.
And anyone that would like them can stop by and take them with you at no charge to you.

Well I was upset this morning.
I forgot to bring in my little level last night.
I thought well it will be ok, it’s not going to rain.
I went out this morning and it was gone.
Now why would any one be wondering around someone elses property after dark.
That’s a good way to get air conditioned, but instead of splattering brains
I doug out a nigth vision security camera and receiver. I still have the tape deck…
I could also put up a motion sensitive light.
Just figuring where to put this thing to get a good shot of the ROW.
Then all I need is some bait. Seems they like cheep short levels
Any way the track is complete.
It may not be as leve as I like, but it is in.

All I have to do is rock work and cleanup. Someone made a real stinky mess in the one outhouse, I have to clean that out to. Here are 2 pics

