Large Scale Central

Devistation @ the Limestone Ridge Line

David I actually have two a John Deer and a craftsman. The craftman is mainly for plowing. The john deer is for mowing and hauling. Temp hit 76 today. This is insane for March.

I have a sister-in-law that is a retired Marine and a crack shot. We are talking to her about solving our gopher problem!

I was doing track work today after I cleaned all the outhouses.
I’m tired now.

My daughter was in the Marines.
But I shoot my oun I was an E M when I was active.
Or I could get them with a 5".
But the gun I liked the best was the 50cal.

Doug Arnold said:
I have a sister-in-law that is a retired Marine and a crack shot. We are talking to her about solving our gopher problem!
Shawn said:
David I actually have two a John Deer and a craftsman.
You could afford LGB trains if you didn't spend all your money on garden tracktors :) Ralph
Ralph Berg said:
Shawn said:
David I actually have two a John Deer and a craftsman.
You could afford LGB trains if you didn't spend all your money on garden tracktors :) Ralph
Lol One was given to me. I coulnt say no :)
David Kapp said:
Yah gotta have the Faith. ......I'm going to take it day by day. I'll take what is given and try to do the best with it. .....I know one thing. I don't have enough rocks.
I'm with you David. Looks to me like you've got this whole thing pretty well figured out now. And aren't you 'way further ahead now than when you first reported that devestation at the beginning of this thread?

You’re right about needing more rocks. Ha ha!

I’ve been at it for a few years now, and I’m still always looking for the right kind of rocks for my pike, especially free ones!!!

Yup, finding even one really old ragged, mossy, free, limestone rock can really make my day.

What a simple soul I am… :wink:

Well I finished bout 20 foot of track so far only 170 foot to go.


I wish we had angular rocks. We’re on an alluvial fan and all our rocks have rolled down from the mountains.

Keep up the good work!

Well I took some pictures this morning the first day of spring. This is of what I did yesterday, I still have some leveling to do on this streach then on to the pond .Here is the overview shot


east end of repair


Center section headed west


West end of deck


There you have it. I only need to get my level out and do a final leveling of that section of track. Meanwhile its on to the pond side repair. PS The outhouses are clean.

I purchased those flat rocks for around the pond. We don’t have many rocks like that around here.
This is a Glacerial drift area.
Don’t mind my poor spelling, I’m but a lowley Out House cleaner

Doug Arnold said:
I wish we had angular rocks. We're on an alluvial fan and all our rocks have rolled down from the mountains.

Keep up the good work!

Most of your rocks get rolled even more than ours do!

You reminded me. I have to check on my outhouses. After all the wind we had! I do have to reglue the Silver Onyx station. It’s 10 feet from where it belongs. One wall separated and the roof blew off!

Wind or animals?
My dog won’t bother anything unles she smells a critter then, well you know Devistation.

It was wind.The doxie has a small yard that doesn’t include the layout and the dogs from next door haven’t come to visit. The only holes they ever dig are if the are chasing a gopher!

With that wind I lost a couple hundred dollars of roofing on outbuildings I have to replace!

David, you made excellent progress on the line! I do like the dark ballast.

The ballast is dark because it was rainig when I got up and the stone was still damp

I finished the track work on the west side of the track today.This Outhouse Cleaner slideshow







Ok that is what I finished today I am 1/3 or a little more finished with the track work. Thank you for looking at my project. The lowly Outhouse Cleaner.

Looking good Dave. Cant wait to see the Forney running on it.

Here is a picture of my shaby consist at the ECLSS. This was at the Pocono Mountian Garden Railway Society modular track on Friday. It is followed by the work car that Shawn built fore me. It 's great! Thanks Shawn!


Well after it warmed up some this afternoon the track work continued. Here are two frames of work on the top of the second frame you can see what it looks like before work starts.

