Large Scale Central

CVSRy Over-Engineering Dept. proposes to cover Deep Cut

Looking good Jon.

Next project needs to be an observation platform for “Natural” bridge so your tourists can get a better view :wink:

Nice finish and recovery, Jon. It really looks good and 5000 years from now you are really going to have the archeologists stumped. Can’t wait for the next phase.

Good to see you got it worked out Jon

Ric Golding said:
Nice finish and recovery, Jon. It really looks good and 5000 years from now you are really going to have the archeologists stumped. Can't wait for the next phase.

Ric Golding said:
Nice finish and recovery, Jon. It really looks good and 5000 years from now you are really going to have the archeologists stumped. Can’t wait for the next phase.

That’s funny. I was thinking exactly that as I’m building it. I have a new problem to solve when I get home tonight. In this photo of the entry portal pad, look at the very bottom edge for re-bar sticking out of the form…


The Over-Engineering department must have taken the day off when that form was made. The re-bar (for attaching the roadbed) extends through holes drilled in the form. No problem putting the re-bar in place, but it’s going to be a real bear to get that hunk of form out. It should have been slots up from the bottom, not holes. Ooops :frowning:

Jon Radder said:
... but it's going to be a real bear to get that hunk of form out. It should have been slots up from the bottom, not holes.

Ooops :frowning:

A little gasoline and a match should solve it.

Good Thought Bob. The propane torch might just work too. I have bad luck with gasoline and matches :slight_smile:

If I cant get the saws-all blade in there, I’ll try fire :smiley:

I wouldn’t, new concrete does not like extreme heat. Concrete can take up to 6 months to cure and the heat, creating steam, will create cracks. You don’t have to ask me how I know this, but I have examples. :wink: I guess my thoughts other than the sawsall, using vertical cuts straight up and down on each side of the rebar, is what is the big reason for removing the form?

Jon, you could split the wood with a chisel or big flat bladed screwdriver. But as Ric mentioned, if there isn’t a specific reason to remove it, leave it there.

Drill some holes in the form add more rebar (in case there is not enought sticking out)and leave the wood forms in place.

Smash the concrete before it fully cures, then remove the rebar, remove the form, cut the form right, replace the form, put the rebar back, and re-pour the concrete… :slight_smile:

I like Andy’s idea. That should keep me busy for at least a week :slight_smile:

My company is a general contractor and our subs have a saying… You know they build good stuff, because they build everything at least twice :smiley:

That particular form should come out because it will have concrete roadbed butting up to it. That’s why the re-bar is there, to tie in the next pour. I could live with an expansion joint, but not one made of crappy plywood sheathing that will rot away in a few years.

I guess I’m old school - I like to take forms off. It just doesn’t look finished until they are gone :smiley:

Damn, no fire?

Jon Radder said:
I like Andy's idea. That should keep me busy for at least a week :)

My company is a general contractor and our subs have a saying… You know they build good stuff, because they build everything at least twice :smiley:

That particular form should come out because it will have concrete roadbed butting up to it. That’s why the re-bar is there, to tie in the next pour. I could live with an expansion joint, but not one made of crappy plywood sheathing that will rot away in a few years.

I guess I’m old school - I like to take forms off. It just doesn’t look finished until they are gone :smiley:

and then cover it in dirt so no one ever gets to see it. Hummmmm I must be missing something.

Geoff he’s only going to bury the part thats going to be underground :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :wink:

I like the vertical cuts with the sawsall on each side of the rebar and then just remove the 7 pieces.

Sawsall did the trick in no time at all. Used an old blade and didn’t worry about it. Was able to cut the slots I forgot when making the form. After removing the screws on two corners I was able to easily pull off the form.

Geoff - another reason to take them off is that I re-use a lot of the parts. It only took about 20 minutes including the cutting. I should have waited another 24 hours though - I knocked off a couple of corners - but that’s really no big deal.

If it looks cured enough tomorrow evening, I’ll do the final set of the pipe.

We have a road to nowhere out here in WNC. that was never finished. Includes a tunnel. Federal government
was supposed to replace a road they took out building a lake 40 or 50 years ago. Never finished the road.
They settled the case this year :open_mouth:

Isn’t that a song… “We’re on the road to no-where…”. Might have been The Cars. Don’t remember.

Once the tunnel is complete, some railroad history will be written… The tunnel once went through the mountain, but a collapse many years ago closed it to traffic. The CVSRy was ably to stabilize a short portion of the tunnel to allow excursion trains to enter far enough to turn on the wye.

I may have to change my operating rules though. Currently this is the end of the main line, and some trains back into the wye from the cut. I generally don’t want motive power, especially live steam in the tunnel, so we will change up the route so trains back into the tunnel from the wye. This will also allow the passengers to experience the tunnel.

Talking Heads. Last track on the “Little Creatures” album. “And She Was” - another noteworthy track on the album.