Large Scale Central

CVSRy Over-Engineering Dept. proposes to cover Deep Cut

:smiley: I was also thinking Brian Ferry, but knew that wasnā€™t right. Must have been the Brian Eno connection !

OK - Back on trackā€¦

The pipe was successfully installed last evening. I used RV Lap Sealant to caulk the joint between the PVC and the concrete box (because I had it in-stock). I did a partial back-fill to hold the pipe in place, but left the caulked area open to dry.

I used all the sealant I had, so I need to stop at the RV store during lunch and get another tube. Tonight I will place the entry portal which consists of three solid 4x8x16 concrete blocks. I may need to add more block, or pour some more concrete at the entry to hold back the soil around the pipe. Might look at what I have in-stock for large rocks. The finish portal will be cast in cement then probably either just placed using gravity, or attached with adhesive. That part has yet to be worked out.

The latest foundation pour (re-bar challenge) seems to be curing very slowly. 48 hours later it is still very easy to chip. Iā€™m probably just being impatient, but Iā€™m concerned that some old sand-mix that I added to the concrete may have been bad. Time will tell.

Pictures this evening if the light holds.

Bummer :frowning: The local RV dealer was out of the lap sealant. He can have it tomorrow, but rain is forecast. I could try something else, but Iā€™ve already started with this stuff, and I know what to expect, so Iā€™ll wait.

Looks like we will be behind schedule by the weekend.

Sounds like youā€™re doing just fine Jon.

This topic needs more picturesā€¦ :slight_smile:

Bob McCown said:
Damn, no fire?
Yeah...or at least a 1/4 stick in the hole. The prototype would have used explosives?

Edit for page 12

Andy Clarke said:
This topic needs more picturesā€¦ :slight_smile:

No problem Andyā€¦ Work was canceled today on account of nice weather (and lack of material) so the camera crew had a chance to get on the job site before dark to take some picturesā€¦ Pipe in place and caulked. The wood forms are holding back the fill dirt while the caulking dries. []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] Pulling back a bit reveals that some back-filling is already complete. []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] The entry portal end awaits more lap sealant so the portal blocks can be placed. []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] And finally, we pull back to show the entire job site. []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] The dirt area between the concrete switch pad and the portal will have concrete roadbed installed once the rough portal work is done. So far the concrete has performed the best for my of everything Iā€™ve tried. Because itā€™s expensive and labor intensive I still wont use it everywhere, but itā€™s great in areas where there is lots of run-off water.

You know it almost looks like a septic system install. :slight_smile:

Just messing with you Jon. Great job and great work. Canā€™t wait till its done and trains are running.

Nice work, thanks for the pictures. The finished project looks very professional.

Looks like the entrence to the long projected ā€œEastern Seaboard, Sewage & Sludgeworksā€ā€¦we here at the IPP&W headquarters, are ready and able, through agreements with the NAX System, to forward 20 carloads of sludge a day, to this ecologicaly friendly industryā€¦Jon, my wayward son; you have just developed a long awaited industry, to help empoyment levels in your community. When is the grand openingā€¦?

Itā€™s not really finishedā€¦ Heā€™s still got to fill around the concrete, put on a tunnel portal, get some ground cover growingā€¦ Heā€™s still got months of work leftā€¦ :slight_smile:

A little bit of that Sludge would help out the groundcover.

Chances are good the ground cover will end up being moss. Notice how well the grass isnā€™t growing on the left of the last picture.

Fred - I havenā€™t worked out the exact calculations, but assuming you will be delivering the sludge in narrow-gauge tank cars, I should have about 500 carloads of storage capacity. Start sending them now. If the van was typical of transit times from the IPP&W to the CVSRy, I should see the first car in about 14 months. I think it will be done by then.

Weekend weather was less than perfect, but I did find some time between rain showers on Saturday to continue back-filling and on Sunday to install the entry portal sub-structure. Again, the wood scraps are holding back the fill dirt while the caulking driesā€¦ []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] This is pretty close to the finish gradeā€¦ []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] While waiting for the mortar to dry, I turned my attention to lining the dirt walls with large rocksā€¦ []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] And finally, this shot shows the remaining cut wall that will be lined with rockā€¦ []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] Iā€™m starting to give some thought to how the finished portal will look. I think Iā€™m going to need some flat rock along the top of the cut walls to represent sheer cliffs and then bring the concrete portal wings up to the rock. This was going to be cast off-site and set in place, but now Iā€™m thinking at least the wings will be poured in place.

I donā€™t know Jon, but why not build a pair of mini forms and set them in place and pour a fine grained concrete mix

Randy McDonald said:
I don't know Jon, but why not build a pair of mini forms and set them in place and pour a fine grained concrete mix
Definitely an option.

Many years ago I was doing some of what seems never ending concrete work around the house. I donā€™t know whet I was using, but it was probably mortar or a sand mix. I had some material left over and placed it in one of these honey bottles that look like a bear. I packed it in good and let it set. I have no idea how, but when I cut the plastic jar away I had a perfect cement cast of that bear :smiley: I still have it.

Sakreteā€™s Cement Patcher is pretty fine grained stuff.

Could use just morter mix that the brick layers use, I re did some rock work around the pool last month with it. Similar to a premix concrete but just no rock in it

Looking good Jon. Did SWMBO mix the concrete for ya? :slight_smile:

Randy McDonald said:
Could use just morter mix that the brick layers use, I re did some rock work around the pool last month with it. Similar to a premix concrete but just no rock in it
That's what I'm using to "mud" the block.

Hollywood - She plugged in thr mixer, does that count ?

I hear crickets