Large Scale Central

CVSRy Over-Engineering Dept. proposes to cover Deep Cut

Thanks Fred - True enough but I’ll repeat what I said a few posts above:

I see your point, but the trees make a nice border / view block to the street and neighbors house.

Did I mention that I don’t have any love lost on the neighbor ? I’d have a great laugh if the Maple blew over and crushed his house. Might encourage him to move back to NYC.

I’m not planning on taking down that Spruce anytime soon. Now the 60 footer in the middle of the yard is another story. I tried to donate it to a local supermarket for their Christmas tree and they were very interested. The problem was logistics. No room to work a crane to lower it in one piece while avoiding power lines. If they were able to work that one out, the streets are too narrow to make the turns with a 50 foot trailer.

Courtesy of the State of Connecticut Superior Court, I got the afternoon off today. No, it’s not what you’re thinking. I was called for Jury Duty and was dismissed by noon. There was no way I was going to work on such a beautiful day :smiley: Anyway, I took advantage of the near 60 degree weather to get started on this tunnel project. The first step was to remove what dirt had fallen in over the winter… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] Then to pull up the track and PT roadbed. The roadbed had been buried for 6 years and is in remarkably good condition… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] The plan is to use the Natural Bridge as the portal, building up behind around it with rock. The short section of roadbed from the switch pad to the portal may become concrete roadbed. []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] I will continue the rock treatment of the cut walls from where they end now, up to the portal. []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] Once this is done, the area will need to be re-named as there will no longer be a “deep” cut. I’m thinking Rock Cut leading to Natural Bridge Tunnel. And way down the road… the new loop started last year will cross on a bridge between the switch and the portal.

This is like when they turned the EBT into a tourist line. The Denver Rio Grande and Western to the Durango and Silverton. I know change is good. Jury Duty? Man you need to try to get out of that. You don’t want to be around all those low lifes, crooks and criminals. Besides that there are other low lifes in a court room besides Judges and Lawyers. Never forget - you know what you call a bad lawyer? Your Honor. You know what you call 100,000 lawyers in Hell? A good start. Now the hardest part is going to be keeping from laughing outloud at those blowhards while they strut their feathers. Like “His Honor” is going to tell you what to think. Just think of this as they make you stand when he walks in the court room.


Sorry David, I didn’t really mean to call you a lawyer or a judge.

So to redirect the question - The “Deep Cut” is going to be history on the CVSRwy? That would be like me shutting down “Cat Dump”. Oh well, I better get some more Rum, this is going to be a long night as I work through this.

The fact that it lasted 6 years without caving in is amazing. All good things must come to an end…

I suppose, for you, I could keep the name. There still will be a cut.

EDIT PS: I did get out of serving on a Jury, or even being interviewed. They filled all the seats before coming to me, so I am off the hook for 4 years. So I went to court, drank 3 free cups of coffee and hung out for 3 hours, fulfilling my civic duty :slight_smile:

Traditions are traditions. Its only fair.

Here cum da judge, now her cum da judge. You all rise cause here cum da judge.


Ric Golding said:
Here cum da judge, now her cum da judge. You all rise cause here cum da judge.


You guys are hard on me! :):slight_smile: Wait till you see the vault!

David Russell said:
You guys are hard on me! :):)

Wait till you see the vault!

The rooster pole vaults? Now that’d be something to see.

They asked me to be on a jury… once.

When I said, “He must be guilty of something or he wouldn’t be here,” the Judge thanked me for my service and I was excused. :stuck_out_tongue:

While you guys have been working hard to derail this thread, the Over Engineering Department has been hard at work. I need to confirm some measurements first, but this is close to what I have in mind… []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] At the left is a concrete block box with a removable hatch to allow removal of whatever needs removing. Where it mates with the pipe I’ll fabricate a connector. What I didn’t draw yet, is the portal.

I ain’t derailing anything!!!

Carve up some trex as rock and run down either side of the cut.

Joe, are you going to have enough overhead clearance to run tall cars if you want?

Ric Golding said:
Traditions are traditions. Its only fair.
True. They didn't change the names of the mill towns, when the mills closed. Ralph

Ron Hill said:
Joe, are you going to have enough overhead clearance to run tall cars if you want?

Pretty sure the answer to that is yes. One of the measurements I failed to get was the vertical clearance of “Natural Bridge”. The position of the root on the plan is a guess. I’ve had all of my 1:20 stock under the root and it wasn’t even close. This is the best photo I have showing clearance . The caboose is 1:22 and the reefer 1:24, with a 1:29 loco. []


[/url][color=blue]Deep Cut - Circa 2005 - FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] The inside of the pipe is 18 inches - plenty of room… []


[/url][color=blue]Deep Cut - Circa 2005 - FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color]


Just curiosity, what software are you drafting with??

Bob C.


You do take over-engineering to a new level.

Bob Cope said:

Just curiosity, what software are you drafting with??

Bob C.

An old version of Microsft Visio. It’s not too elaborate, which suits me fine.

Ric Golding said:

You do take over-engineering to a new level.

Joe was my Dad, so I’m used to that :slight_smile:

Just enough daylight left after work to get the missing measurements. I’ve updated the plan, reducing the size of the concrete block box and sliding the tunnel portal toward End-Of-Track. This reduces the amount of additional excavation that I will need to do plus it reduces the block count by 6. []


[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] I’ve added a representation of a natural stone portal which will sit a little further behind the root than originally thought. The weekend forecast is for “Rain-o-Rama” so I don’t think I’ll be getting any more excavation done till at least the following weekend.