Large Scale Central

CN and CP railways snippets

Looks like a few of the city fathers right across the land are up in arms about the railways blocking traffic.

It’s an “appalling” situation (from CP’s PoV), they other guys would just like their product shipped.–43412

This one will be interesting to watch

In the “They beg to differ” column and I agree.

That’s not bad, the fine could/would be higher (over $200) if they get nailed for trespassing as a railfan.

Best avoided and if nailed it’s “Yes officer; no officer, thank you officer” to get off with a warning.

A young woman who moved from Ottawa to Montreal tried cutting across the tracks there at a popular but unofficial crossing spot not so long ago. She lost both legs when hit by a train. Obviously, she wasn’t paying attention; I suspect she would rather have had a fine.

You can’t blame the railroads for trying to dicourage people from walking across company property, no matter whether it is railyards or right-of-way. Hundreds of people are killed each year just because they are idiots, and the railroad comany gets blamed.

Today, the biggest problem seems to be people (usually young, but not always) walking down the right-of-way listening to Mp3 devices with headphones. They don’t hear the train and by the time the operator sees them and dumps the air, they are hamburger, dragged a mile down the track before the consist come to a halt. The other is (which has been going on since the horse and buggy days) impatient individuals trying to get across a crossing before the train. Some dopes even drive around the barriers to get across - again, the rail carriers get blamed.

The side-effect of these accidents(?) is the poor operators who have to go through a grueling investigation and spend the rest of their lives psychologically scarred by the incident. All because of some idiot.

Looks like someone remembers the good old days and evaluates the present

CN had a very good 2014 and from what I read they didn’t find the “action” appalling.

Over at CP it looks a bit different

Sure sounds like the “Hunter” is spoiling for a confrontation.

Who would have guessed that communication is not CP’s forté? (

The commuters who depend on the West Coast Express have been livid about the consequences.

It’s all about the money

Will be interesting to see how this gets sorted.

So can they strike? In the US railroaders can’t strike because of interstate commerce. Same thing as Reagan during the air traffic controlers in the 1980s.

Yes Craig, they can strike … but usually they get ordered back to work by whoever has the majority in parliament, with an enforced cooling off period and if necessary a settlement as prescribed. Together with all the other garbage that is served up — that seems to be “The Hunter’s” speciality — it makes for a very tense working environment.

Doesn’t look so good for CP, but looks very good on “The Hunter”

That’s what one likes to read

Update on that potential lockout/strike situation at CP Rail.


Saskatchewan is suing CN and VIA for damaging provincial highways.

How did they do that? By ignoring the law?
