Large Scale Central

CN and CP railways snippets

Off hand I would call that bad timing, there’s a lot of winter to come and go.–Railroad-Workers/

Will be interesting to read the statistics at the end of the year.

BTW … generally speaking 2015 started out with a whopper snow storm dumping large amounts of snow on South and Central BC with a huge avalanche risk along the CP main anywhere between Sicamous (just up the road) and Golden i.e. across Eagle and Rogers Pass.

Didn’t get out there, yet, since the roads were bad enough to be either closed or had severe weather advisories AND I was plenty busy clearing our driveway - three days running…

Next up they promise a load of freezing rain.

Are the going to build at least one overpass?

From the “we are not impressed” department:

And then there is CP Rail, with “The Hunter” at the helm, trying to weasel out by putting the blame on the supply chain. In this case the shut down of the Port of Vancouver on the Labour Day long weekend.

Oh, and last winter it was the dreadful weather and a slew of other problems, e.g. leaking brake lines and slow orders in the mountains. In short it wouldn’t be any of the actions “The Hunter” took shortly after assuming his post.

And there is also this little matter

Certainly shouldn’t be a surprise in the province that has “Je me souviens” (I remember) on its licence plates and where Lac Mégantic will be long remembered.

This just in:

This is the most scenic portion of the CP mainline along the north shore of Lake Superior

The news of the derailment showed up in one of the FB Groups early this morning, I was just waiting for the official version.

That cramps the traffic flow to some extent since the east side of Rogers Pass is more or less a “double track”. The older line with the Stoney Creek Viaduct is used for EB traffic on account of the steeper grade.

Looks like CP was a bit late with reporting to the TSB, too.

CN Rail is smiling about its Chicago situation

Now if they could keep AMTRAK on schedule in that area that would be an extra bonus.

This makes for interesting reading

Is this how it really is?–and-the-environment

This one took it’s sweet time to show up on “Google Alerts”, bit is as current today as it was last year.
According to any of the many CP people I have talk with since “The Hunter” took the helm, that is precisely how it is.

CP is playing it close to the vest with the Stoney Creek Bridge derailment.

Starting to add up for CP ;

Dec. 26th derail, now another in a Nat.Park. Parks and possibly (hopefully) fisheries&oceans will be all over them !

A written note in the Wpg. Free Press reported statement by CP rep that no potential harm by goods, to man or environment. BUT ya read the attached from the YYC-Herald and one third party states a danger when mixed with moisture (re: fly ash) !

Hmmm, is lentils as attractive to wildlife as grain is ?

And there’s even some good news

Will be nice if they can keep that running; I have to consider another road trip to catch the various and sundry excursion trains between here and Toronto.


It’s only the health conscious wildlife going for the lentils, the rest is happy with wheat and such.

Looks like it’s the same all over the continent. The railroads put the citizenry to an endurance test.

And then there are the forest fires the railroads start and the provinces are left to fight.

Shouldn’t that have stopped when they got Diesels?

Something that have been dreaming and talking about for a long time.

Hunter’s opinion

Very inconvenient when someone decides on a different tack/solution to a problem that goes back a very long way.

That could/would have been a mess