Large Scale Central

Cliff's Mik Model

That’s gonna look good. I happen to know you have some carbon black pearl ex powder. Maybe a dusting of that over the black chalkboard paint? Since I gave you bad advice on the powder maybe the black on black would give it an iron look?

Devon, regardless of the color glitch, I’m glad you turned me on to powdered pigments. It all worked out. But I won’t have time to consider that approach with these derrick parts, 'cuz it’s all gotta get done next weekend.

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Today was mainly the woodwork on this project, and all the wood parts are built.

Lots of detail work remaining for next weekend.

Also got the derrick timbers cut and “iron” parts sanded & drilled.

Getting all that painted is a bummer (I’d thought the resin would be black, but nope). I don’t see how I can finish it for the official challenge. But, I’ll at least make room for it on the platform.

Happy modeling everyone,

[edit] Adding to the time-consuming part of the derrick is over 100 #0 lag screws that will go in all those little holes. That, and needing to stain all the wood for the project. But we’ll see.

It all looks great, Cliff. However, I don’t think the tub on the flatcar is very prototypical :stuck_out_tongue:

Get it put together, turn it in and get judged , then you can fix it all afterwards!

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Thanks Dan.

I was gonna tell the story saying how it was a very early version of part-washing car, which – after someone started using it as a hot tub in the 1920’s – became a prototype for Todd Brody’s “California Experience” car.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find photos of it, seems his main pic links ain’t working yet. So you’ll just have to trust me that the story is true.


I’ve been pecking away through the week at the various bits, mainly painting and staining. Today was 100% assembly work on the derrick. Here’s the main subassemblies.

Lotsa hole drilling! As Rick M will verify, haha! Also slot cutting, screwing, etc.

Tomorrow is final assembly of the whole enchilada.

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Cliff, all the “iron” details really make the derrick. Whatever you painted the resin prints with certainly has that iron look. Are the lag screws just for looks or are they an integral part of the connections?

Thanks Dan! Yes, the lag screws hold the parts on. The quantity though is based on the prototype, and is way overkill for the model…

Thats coming out great. Between you and Rick I want to make a derrick

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I just finished my build (at least for the contest purposes; gotta do some other stuff today), so here’s my final shots.


Great looking model Cliff. I like all the details. Some very useful ideas.

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Awesome build, but I would expect nothing less from you!

Wow, need I say more :grin:

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We have another week?!?

Yep. And I plan to make the most out of it. I don’t think I’m going to finish (nothing new)…

Looks great Cliff. Very nice build

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Wow that is terrific and it is something that we do not often see on layouts. I want to build one now. :grinning:

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The half lap joints on the corners are the killer for me, awesome work to do all the details on this Cliff.

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Nice trackside detail Cliff. And your crew can get to the deck for their work :sunglasses: