Large Scale Central

Build-a-RR event

Bruce don’t rake leaves, he builds ventilated box cars and signs autographs. :slight_smile:

Randy McDonald said:
Bruce don't rake leaves, he builds ventilated box cars and signs autographs. :)
This is true....I seem to remember he removed trestle bents because the leaves got stuck in them. As for the autographs....I'm sure Shawn will be standing in line this weekend at York with a black Sharpie screamin' Bruce, Bruce, Bruce...sign my ass!! ;)

Re: Shawn:
Too funny Rooster! but remember he packs a pistol and is probably in much better shape than both of us.

David Russell said:
Randy McDonald said:
Bruce don't rake leaves, he builds ventilated box cars and signs autographs. :)
This is true....I seem to remember he removed trestle bents because the leaves got stuck in them. As for the autographs....I'm sure Shawn will be standing in line this weekend at York with a black Sharpie screamin' Bruce, Bruce, Bruce...sign my ass!! ;)
David are you saying Shawn is bring his pet ass with him? I did not know they allowed pets. Better not let your dad know this or he might get pissed for having to leave the dog at home.
Geoff George said:
David are you saying Shawn is bring his pet ass with him? I did not know they allowed pets. Better not let your dad know this or he might get pissed for having to leave the dog at home.
Tee hee hee ....Dad's on the road right now. :)
Sean McGillicuddy said:
Bob How are you doing with the spring cleaning! This weekend's weather NICE!! How about an update? Sean
I've got most of the RR cleaned up and 'organized'. After York, I'll be concentrating on building the switches I'll need.

Anyone that’s planning on coming up, email me at rmccown at zbd dot com, and let me know when you’ll be here and how many of you. I need to plan food.

Actually I got a tattoo of Bruce on my ass and he is going to sign that. Dave you want me to bring my rooster so you have someone to play with. LOL

Time to bring this one to the top again.

Shawn said:
Dave you want me to bring my rooster so you have someone to play with. LOL
No just bring a mirror!!
Shawn said:
Dave you want me to bring my rooster so you have someone to play with. LOL
Sean McGillicuddy said:
No just bring a mirror!!
HA HA!! Thanks Sean! :)

Anyone else that is planning on coming, please email me, and Ill add you to the 'when who is around" spreadsheet for food planning.

Bob McCown said:
Anyone else that is planning on coming, please email me, and Ill add you to the 'when who is around" spreadsheet for food planning.
Bob IF my leash will strech from I495 Exit 24 to Exit 30/31, I could be there.....

A MAYBE for sure if the CFO let’s me out to play and she can visit the Littleton library.


Bob, I’m going to have to beg off. My parole officer won’t let me go that far. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, here’s who I have definitely showing up when, and for how long.


Anyone I miss?

Looks good. Sunday I’ll need to be out of the campground but can probably stop on the way by. Marilyn might drive up late Friday and stay through Sunday AM, but she is still tentative and claims to not need food.

Bruce - Be sure all the leaves are bagged up when we get there :smiley:

Very cool. Looks like we’ll get to meet a few new faces and visit with old acquaintances.

Unless told otherwise, I’ll bring my chop saw (10") and my hammer-drill - I sure hope you’re using hex-head deck screws. Gloves.

Anything else?

Levels? I only have one 4’ and one 1’ one, and a few of those string ones. I’m using Phillips deck screws, sorta like this:


Ack. Those are way too EASY to strip! I need a challenge…the hex heads are much harder to strip :wink: But, I do have some phillips head bits for the hammer drill.

I also have a 2 foot and a 6" level.

Bruce and Jean Burke? Who are they?

Extra #2 screw bits
Nice Rake (for Bruce)
My dumpster laden PT scraps

I regret that I must protect my position of employment and must beg off from a most enjoyable time. Please understand, it is my extreme desire to be there. I look forward to pictures and a complete report.