Camper is almost ready - de-winterized and sanitized the water system, installed the battery, connected shore-power, refilled the propane and tested all appliances last weekend. Saturday is supposed to be rainy so we’ll get the interior re-stocked and cleaned. Sunday it’s Moma’s day but I’ll be washing the roof & sides, checking the tires and greasing the hitch. Last night I finally repaired the mirror we lost in Mechanicsburg last October. I have a spare head now just-in-case.
I had hoped to get a lot of this done during the week this week, but my lawn, and lawn mower had other plans. Wednesday I did the front and started the back - but a BFR found it’s way into the mover deck. 2 blades and a belt later ($60 on Master Card) the mower was back on the job last night, only to run out of gas. Quick trip to town for gas ($17 on Master Card) and I was finally able to get the back lawn mowed before dark, and in time to cook some doggies on the grill (Priceless !!)
I hope to leave late Thursday AM and arrive at the CG at check-in time.