Large Scale Central

Build-a-RR event

Howdy all
I’ve tossed this idea around with a few people over the last couple of weeks, and it seems to have legs, so here we go.

My RR is in a sad state of repair (or disrepair, depending how kind you are). It really hasn’t had much work done on it in about 2 years, ever since we put up the addition. The house has consumed most of my free time. Now that my time is freeing up, I want to get my RR back up and running in short order. My RR plan is to have it all on bench work, sort of like what the OVGRS does, but at a lower level to blend in with the garden. Its currently on spline, but thats easy enough to remove.


On May 13-16, 2010, I’m hosting a “help Bob get his RR back in order”. I’ll have a ton of PT lumber and fasteners, tools, etc. Ill also have track and switches, and everything else. What I need are bodies. Ill provide food and drinks from lunch on the 13th to lunch on the 16th. All you have to do is show up, bring your expertise and willingness to work. If we get the RR to its current state (but working) we’ll even run some trains.

There are hotels with about 20 minutes of here, and a B&B right in town. There is also a campground about 5 minutes down the road.

So, any interest?

I’m willin…what’s on the menu???..:wink:

“what I need are bodies”


That can be arrainged… seriously Bob, if I was in the area I’d love to help, but I’m on the wrong coast. Post lots of pics sounds like fun.

Like I said in email, that’s the best looking campground I’ve seen in a while :smiley: Count me in.

I suggested this to Gary Buchanan also. He’s at the limits of what I can manage for a trip without taking time off that I need for my Alaska trip the end of May.

This is a great idea and I hope folks flock in to help.


Put us down as tentative; my daughter is graduating in May, but I don’t have the date yet. What’s that B&B again?

Boy that sounds like it could be fun. Ken, how long of a drive would it be for you? I know how long it would take me to get to your place, so I need to know from there. Where does Bob really live, anyway?

Better yet, Bob how long does it take you to drive to York?

Rough time of the year, but you never know.

He’s northwest of Boston in Littleton just off 495. Its about a 4-5 hour drive for me.

Not that I will be able to come and help Bob but it is a good job Ken mentioned your Littleton is in (presumably MA) otherwise I would have headed for CO. lol

Anyway it seems that you are likely to get some great help and I guess an enjoyable time will be had by all.

Sure Why not

Not sure of my schedule that far out.

I may only be able to make it on a Saturday or Sunday but I am most willing to help out.

And if desired we can also open up our railroad on the last day for operations.

Stan Ames

Not too bad a drive from Trenton NJ…

I’ll see… job schedule up in the air at the moment.

Geoff Ringle

I wish I could do it tough with the little ones but if anyone wants to use my place as a rest stop etc… its open, just let me know. Im just off I84 by Port Jervis. Of course you can run on the KMRR. I have 9 acres so plenty of room for campers or tents.

Have to wait closer to the time …B&B there…is it Victorian?

Bruce Chandler said:
Put us down as tentative; my daughter is graduating in May, but I don't have the date yet. What's that B&B again?
It's the Lyttleton Inn ( Don't know anything about it besides I see it all the time.

Haha. I know what you mean. I don’t know what any of the motels are like around here. If I’m in town, I stay at home.

Sounds fun. 1069 miles from here.

Don’t count me either way yet.

Bruce Chandler said:
Haha. I know what you mean. I don't know what any of the motels are like around here. If I'm in town, I stay at home.
A sign of a good marriage :D

Cheap and clean are all I need…:wink:

If I can work it out I’m there

Bob I did put in a travel request with the upper management.
I asked for the sat.
We’ll see when March comes around.
Bob when the time comes you should list of things we will need.(tool etc.)
You never know!