Large Scale Central

Build-a-RR event

Yea, I dont know the quality of the hotels, but they’re all major chains. YMMV with that.

When time gets close, Ill see what Ill be needing for tools. I have a table saw, radial arm saw, and hand circular saw for cutting, that probably will be enough, I think. Lots of logistics to figure out on this one!

You might need more tools ,I don’t know how " MEN" handle standing in line for a saw!
It would be cool to have a dif saw for each type of cut( angle’s , 90 ,45 etc)

I would think a large number of battery powered drills, some clamps, levels and miter saws would be beneficial.

Good idea on the batt powered drills, Ric. When the time gets nearer, Ill have a better idea of what I have access to, and what I’m gonna have to ask for/rent/steal/etc.

So Bob, do you have a track plan?

You said you were going to follow the basic construction design plan of the IPP&WRR. That is an inside style railroad built outside, but without the roof, floor, heat, air-conditioning and creature comforts, except for the right time of the year.

Is it going to be 2 foot square patio block, deck post pyramid, 4 x 4 wood post with deck for railroad above that? Will you have those parts in place or will they need to be placed? Will there be a post on each side of the deck or single post in most areas, except yards? Level track plan or grades up and down? Will the ground be basically flat or will it have to be leveled? Track or battery powered. Track ready to be layed and the under frame just has to be built or is the objective just to get the bench work done? No, wait you said you want the goal to be running trains by Sunday. So what are you serving? What type of beer, you know that’s important to Fred, Jon and Bruce?

Just thought you ought to get thinkin about what your going to do with this labor force. Poor logistics, have sunk ships, derailed trains and lost wars. I’d suggest you put a considerable amount of time in to this and not let this crew make many decisions on the fly. The crew may have more fun the other way, but the only thing worse than not having a railroad is having one that was built by a committee and not what you wanted.

Ric: Yep, Ive thought about all of this. I have a track plan (and even track down, its just got to come up temporarily). Over the next few months, I’m going to be building various bits of benchwork (sans legs). I have the main yard mostly ready now. Most of the benchwork will be about a foot or so off the ground, I have to blend in to the garden, not be a bunch of tables way over it. After its built, ill be bringing in rock and fill and hiding most of it.

The RR will go up and down, within the lay of the land here. I’ll take some pictures from far away so everyone can see the main idea. Leveling will be by 4x4 posts, set onto patio blocks (I dont need or want the deck post pyramid widget). Id like 2 posts on each for stability of levelness, or maybe 1 on one end, 2 on the other. Ill need to experiment.

So what I see happening that weekend is that any unbuilt benchwork boxes get built, the ones that are built get put in place and leveled, and the track (if we have time) attached to it. I’m really shooting to get the benchwork built first, and the track down second, though if we have a talented yard designer/builder, they can work on the main yard. :slight_smile:

Now, the important stuff. Wachusett Brewery is the local place, and they have a great selection of beers. Ill have a good selection of each of them, and the liquor store down the street (.7 of a mile) stocks it, and other decent brews. We’re planning on having catered lunches and Friday dinner, Saturday we’ll probably go to the Chinese buffet near here, since that seems to be an American Invasion tradition, I figure why not do that, too.

California is a little far but you never know. It’s definitely going to be a layout building year coming up. I’m busy with my layout and one of the clubs we are in has been offered a permanent site at a nursery and that layout is in the planning stage.

Kudos to you being very specific and upfront as to what you want to happen and why you want some help. The sending out of photos as to your progress prior to the helpers arriving is beneficial and thoughtful. Offering a catered lunch is certainly welcomed and shows your appreciation.

I think we all welcome having a chance to build a garden RR since it is more than half the interest in the hobby – particulary when all helping know it isn’t a “build-it-for-them” rescue but the fun in working together to assist.

In contrast, here, in So.Calif., our club has experienced the effect of arriving at the day of request to help with installation finding:
1 - NO specific track plan - just a cleared area and a pile of assorted track in varied lengths and radius.
2 - 3 cubic yards of dirt in the driveway with the obvious as to where it is to be transported and dumped.
3 - NO prior statement as to specifically what has been done prior to the point of the request, only a desperate plea for helpers to “Come on a specific Saturday to help install track and solder jumper wires.”

We all learn. Good luck with the project. Great to see the support!

Are we still on for this?

Looking good from our end.

So let me get this straight…Bob’s RR building event involves, multiple power saws, alcohol and retired guys that can have trouble walking sober at times? Perhaps a donation/contribution to the local EMS unit would be well taken.

Yup, we’re still a go. Im getting together all the bits we’ll need to put it together, and seeing what extra tools I’ll need…

David Russell said:
So let me get this straight....Bob's RR building event involves, multiple power saws, alcohol and retired guys that can have trouble walking sober at times? Perhaps a donation/contribution to the local EMS unit would be well taken. Sweet! :)
Bob is a youngin. He'll keep us in line, or at least put all the parts in a box to send home :D

Just made my campground reservation for Thur/Fri/Sat nights. Now I need to get the camper in shape early this year.

Nothing like a deadline! Hey, I’ve heard that before…

Bob - just noticed this and I think I’ll have some time to help. I’ll know when as we get closer. Would you like me to bring it up at a NHGRS meeting and see if I can get you some more help?

Also not only can I bring lots of battery drills and screw guns, but I have a large EMT kit I always carry with me.


Jon Radder said:
Bob is a youngin. He'll keep us in line, or at least put all the parts in a box to send home :D
Scott Suleski said:
Bob - I have a large EMT kit I always carry with me.


Scott I do believe that should be a given!!!

Scott said - “I have a large EMT kit I always carry with me.”

That does sound like a good idea with this crowd.

How are you doing with the spring cleaning!
This weekend’s weather NICE!!
How about an update?

He is waiting on Bruce to come up and finish raking leaves for him…
Tee hee hee.