Large Scale Central

Brunt Interchange

Well, it started off as a kit…

And. later I modified a figure to look a bit more appropriate…

But…it was just a kit. Eh.

Last month I had the leaves collected and I later found the building up near town. Well, that was a sign. Time to build a proper structure.

Brunt Interchange is a major supplier of cars during an ops session, so I think it needs a LOT more than just a tiny shed. (Plus, there’s Ken to think about! )

Anyway, late last year there was a discussion about some depots in Ohio. I’m sort of from Ohio - my Dad hails from Plain City, so I thought that I could be inspired by something like the station in Omega, Ohio.

That could work. Very interesting design and just looks cool.

OK, it’s on the list.

First up, build a bunch of windows and some doors. (And a chimney!)

Heh…styrene strips to the rescue! I don’t think I’ll do any windows in the back of the building, since it backs up to some azaleas.

More to come.

Love the tower!

" Rooster " said:

Love the tower!

What rooster said!

I should technically change that to “Turret” not tower.

Think 22.5 Bruce

How weird! Literally and very seriously, after our conversation left current subjects, we wondered what project Bruce was working on? Bruce, did you get a strange vibe or ???

Looking forward to seeing the progress!

**Ric Golding said:**we wondered what project Bruce was working on? Bruce, did you get a strange vibe or ???

Bruce who?

That is a great little building. I can’t wait to see this one come together.

You could put a 7.5 inch Naval Cannon in that turret. That would be so cool.

Good choice for a depot! Looking forward to watching this.

Steve Featherkile said:

You could put a 7.5 inch Naval Cannon in that turret. That would be so cool.

Why only a cork gun?

Yea, me and Ric figured you were up to sumthin. Good choice.

Ken Brunt said:

Yea, me and Ric figured you were up to sumthin. Good choice.

Typically just “up to no good”. (


Cut the walls and other pieces out. Cut the openings. All pieces are foamed pvc. Sure is nice material to work with.

“foamed pvc” Is that the stuff called Sintra?

Ken Brunt said:

“foamed pvc” Is that the stuff called Sintra?

Sintra, Kemotex, expanded PVC , whatever. They’re probably all different, but I lump them all together. Easy to work with and holds up well outside - at least when painted.

Hehe…more than I ever wanted to know:

Komatex® is a excellent alternative to Sintra®.

Komatex® (compare to Sintra®): Material is closed-cell, expanded plastic, high-density poly vinyl chloride sheet. It is acid free and has minimal out gassing for Archival use. Sintra is a homogeneous material that allows the ease of cutting without regard for grain. At half the weight of solid PVC, may be stapled, nailed, riveted, glued, and thermoformed. Forming may be done on conventional forming machines. Because this material is not hydroscopic, it needs no drying pre-forming. It is available in 9 thickness’ 1mm-13mm all thickness’ are available in white, some thickness’ are also available in black & colors.
These foam sheets made of rigid FOAMED PVC are produced with a closed-cell matte surface. Komatex® can be compared to Sintra® because they have a regular, fine-celled foam structure and are light in weight. They conduct very little heat and thus provide excellent insulation.

Komatex® is suitable for printing, painting and lacquering and can be easily and economically worked with conventional tools. Due to their tough and rigid structure, they can be drilled and screwed without splitting. PVC foam can be bonded using Weld-On adhesives for vinyl.

Due to their weathering resistance, Komatex® sheets in white can be used for outdoor applications. They are particularly suitable for the advertising industry-for signs, displays and exhibition stands.

OK, next question. Where does one find this “Komatex”?

Lately, I’ve been getting it from Amazon; but it’s because I can get it in two days free shipping with Prime. (

In the past I’ve bought it from ePlastics, Foam Board Source, and US Plastics. Probably others, but I have those bookmarked. I haven’t looked for the best deal lately.

I’ve got Prime too. I’ll have to look into that stuff.

Ken Brunt said:

I’ve got Prime too. I’ll have to look into that stuff.

Just search on “pvc sheet” and the thickness you want. (3 mm, 6 mm). Lots of results. Ooh. and “Celtec” as well. Another name to lump in with the rest.(