Large Scale Central

Bluestone Southern Indoor Upper level layout

Ric Golding said:

Very nice! Like the stream. She is really good at water and streams. I could comment about how realistic the stairs and ironing board look, but that just wouldn’t be right. Its like looking through a window of the real World. Happy New Year to you guys! (

You beat me to it. I was going to ask why she used a glossy finish on the interior scene!

@Andy - Looks fantastic, as usual.


Hmmm who did she take lessons from …hmmmm

Andy said - “the ironing board is in the crew lounge because, our dryer broke… Washer and dryer were about 15 years old…”

2020 got in one more slam before its finally over.

Andy Clarke said:

Ric, the ironing board is in the crew lounge because, our dryer broke… Washer and dryer were about 15 years old…

Figured we’d just replace them both, so all the loose stuff in the laundry room was moved out into the crew lounge…

Mark, I like that switch plate cover… Left it in its’ natural state on purpose…

Son, sure I iron stuff… Lay down in front of my truck and I’ll show you how I iron… (

Remember to follow all of the warnings…(

Andy Clarke said:

Son, sure I iron stuff… Lay down in front of my truck and I’ll show you how I iron… (

Promises promises

Rooster said:

Not so much a hobby…

Below is the next area to be wall painted on the indoor layout…

Painter worked 2 days this week and got the next town area started.

This shot was taken from standing between the Freight yard and the industrial

park aisle… To the left would be the door to the utility room and the military base…

Below is a closer look and you can see the penciled in drawings for further development…

The below building is on the left hand side of the street… I wanted this to be like an

old fashioned drug store, complete with a soda fountain bar… If you look in the windows

you can see where she painted in the soda fountain bar…

And an even closer look in the windows…

The detail that she can get into her paintings still amazes me…

Till the next update…

Since I’m building a 3x21" shelf layout, I will really enjoy your progress with this layout, so far, great.


each time i see progress in this thread, i notice, how perfect must be the understanding between artist and sponsor.

you two really ride the same wave.

Korm, she does real well understanding what’s in my head…

Edited to add: ""If you talk to folks that know me, they can tell

you that understanding what’s in my head is a feat in itself…""

I’m amazed at all the small details that she gets into the paintings…

Although, she also does the wall paintings for her husbands

HO scale layout, among other jobs…

Andy Clarke said:

Korm, she does real well understanding what’s in my head…

Edited to add: ""If you talk to folks that know me, they can tell

you that understanding what’s in my head is a feat in itself…""

I’m amazed at all the small details that she gets into the paintings…

Although, she also does the wall paintings for her husbands

HO scale layout, among other jobs…

Truly amazing work! You found a gem.

After another 2 days of work, below is how the wall area looks now:

A closeup of the right side…

A closeup of the left side…

Hopefully, more to be done next week…

Ta, ta for now… (

Now that March is here, May is just around the corner. Look forward to seeing all the progress. Love the streets!

Jane Clarke said:

After another 2 days of work, below is how the wall area looks now:

A closeup of the right side…

A closeup of the left side…

Hopefully, more to be done next week…

Ta, ta for now… (

REALLY nice work. Any idea if we’ll be able to visit THIS year???

Bruce, We are hoping folks will be able to visit…

Am on a list to get vaccinated, so we’ll see how that goes…

Hopefully, by the fall, all this covid stuff will be stable…

Update from last weeks work…

The whole town below…

Below is a closeup of the right side… If you are wondering about the blue, it’s tape so when she’s painting or drawing on

the wall before painting, she doesn’t smudge the building tops that the tape covers.

And a closeup of the left side…

And that’s all for now…

You can almost count the bricks(

And for last weeks work:

We are starting to spread out from the main street in town and worked on

the edges of town… Made a Horse/stable farm just outside town…

A closeup of the farm… More buildings will be added the next time she’s here…

Started putting some hills in on the left side of town… Pencil sketches to be done also…

And that’s all for now…