Large Scale Central

Another expansion thread?

That’s all looking first rate Ken! Lots of great looking structures too.

I like the bloody red maple tree. I used to have a couple of those in my yard before I moved to deer country. Seems they like those trees even better than I do.

Haven’t had a problem with the deer. They usually by-pass our yard and head on up to the neighbors. Must be something up there taster than my stuff. Counted 13 of them one day during the winter.

Fred Mills said:
Ken; I don't comment often, but I just have to do nice work. Your pike is becoming one of the great looking pikes, that we all can learn from. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Coming from you, Fred that's a geat compliment since I've always admired your layout. It's still a work in progress and probably always will be, since I'm in no hurry to finish it...............;)

When will it be done?

Is it done yet? :lol:

Steve Featherkile said:
Is it done yet? :lol:

No, not quite, but another phase has been started. Got a small break in the heat wave we’ve been having here on the East Coast since the beginning of July, so I grabbed a shovel and commenced to moving some dirt.


Seems a large open pit mine has been excavated behind the town of Hesperus. Well not exactly, it’s the beginnings of the pond that was planned for this spot. My son picked up a Pond Kit for me for my birthday. (Ain’t he a swell kid…;)) I purchased a bigger liner at Lowe’s since the one in the kit wasn’t quite big enough for what I had planned. The 9x17’ one I bought almost didn’t make it.


These two thingamajiggers were donated by the President and CEO of the IPP$W RR in Ottawa, Province of Ontario, Ca.


I laid out some rolled roofing with the gritty side down to act as a cushion. I set the larger of the 2 Howe Truss bridges I had laying around on the roadbed and marked where to cut it.



Placing the liner was easier than I thought it would be, but then again, I’ve had an above ground pool and had to put 2 liners in it at one time or another. The spillway in the background is just temporarily set in place to check for any leaks or adjustments.


Tomorrow I’ll set the bridge in place and place the spillway in a more permanent arrangement. I need about another 2’ of hose. I also need to trim the liner, and move some dirt piles, but the hard parts done.

That’s going to look great!

Thats going tolook nice when done.

Thanx, guys. To justify this pond there’s a sawmill going where this large pile of dirt is. I have a 3-way stub turnout made that goes just out the picture at the bottom. It’ll have a passing siding and a loading dock siding. The passing siding will unload logs into the pond. At least that’s my plan…:wink: I still have to construct the switch for the far end. That’s what the other bridge in the pic is for.



sorta, kinda like this…



nice work Ken

Lookin good



A sawmill with water, what a concept. I know where I want water bur it just won’t “aooear!”

Good looking addition.

Those bridges will fit right in but where are the walkways and water barrels?

Looks good, Ken… heat index here today was 123… dew point was 81… I stayed in… :slight_smile:

I had this old Pola Mill left over from the previous layout in pieces out in the barn. Since I had a pond and a waterfall I thought I could make some use of it. It’s still in the “wait and see if I like the look” phase.


The base for it is an acrylic box with a block veneer on it.


Everything is temporary for now till I see how I like it.


If I do keep it, what I was thinking was instead of a siding and since it’s just a small mill, a stairway or ramp to ground level with a small warehouse and loading dock along the the mainline to handle any loads.


What a neat way to incorporate it into the layout, looks wonderful… Did you get that 3-way switch installed yet???

I like it. I vote you finish it on up :wink:

Not yet, Andy, I just got done the 2 way that goes at the other end. I’m waiting on a delivery of ties strips for the track work.

Yea, Ralph the more I look at it the more I like it.

I’ll hollar up with Ralph on finishing it Ken. I like the way it fits in the area. Nice eye!