Large Scale Central

A Port Lavender Reefer

I had those neat hinge castings from Rodney, and they would have looked great on a “traditional” reefer, but this one is anything but traditional.

Here’s a shot of the reefer undergoing restoration.


It’s quite a bit different than what I am used to.

Initially, I had planned to use a handy napkin, but I figured that this time I would lay out the hinges on the computer. I’d print out the pattern on my printer and then glue it to the some thin styrene using Elmer’s Glue. My theory was I could then soak the styrene in water to remove the paper pattern.

Here’s my pattern:

It’s turns out that Elmer’s Glue is NOT very good for gluing paper to styrene. As I cut the hinges out, the paper just flaked off; this was a good thing. I did use a pin to press in the future holes to drill.

I also added a .040" rod to represent the hinge piece, and glued everything in place.


Finally, some tiny brass pins were glued in place.


Did you change them? Or is that the other end of the reefer?

Here’s a previous picture…

No, I changed them. I wanted them to look more like the prototype.

With all this snow outside, I decided it was a good time to work on the ladders and grab irons.

I use some .100" square styrene strips for the ladders and drill some #60 holes in them. Brass rod is bent to shape in a jig.


Once all the pieces steps are in place I trim the back side.


I then file down the ends flush with the styrene and glue it in place. Weights help.


All of the grab irons are done; I used some .020" styrene for the corner pieces.


Next up is the stirrup steps. The prototype had different type stirrup steps at each end but I may just settle for one style.

I think I bought my last wooden cat supports from Phil.

See my signature. I can’t remember…:slight_smile:

John Bouck said:

I think I bought my last wooden cat supports from Phil.

See my signature. I can’t remember…:slight_smile:

I’m putting together one of his 30’ Reefer kits now for one of these.

That was the picture I sent to Stan for the decals.

That looks great, nice job:)

Progress is slow, but not steady… :wink:

I bent some brass strip into shape for the stirrup steps and glued the doors in place.


I also ended up putting a very thin piece of wood above the door, but that’s coming off - it’s just too delicate.

I also salvaged some parts from one of my AMS flatcars I bought eons ago. Here’s the brake end almost complete.


And the “A” end.


Rodney had also sent me some really neat hinges and I decided to use them. They are two piece, so you can easily make working doors; naturally, I decided against this, but they still look nice.


I still have the other side to do, as well as try and figure out some sort of arrangement for the door locking mechanism.

And I did do some of the brake gear underneath…


Nice, Bruce.

Snowy day project too?

Bruce Chandler said:

Progress is slow, but not steady… :wink:

(lots of stuff cut out for brevity)

Rodney had also sent me some really neat hinges and I decided to use them. They are two piece, so you can easily make working doors; naturally, I decided against this, but they still look nice.


I still have the other side to do, as well as try and figure out some sort of arrangement for the door locking mechanism.

Bruce, I’m confused. It the doors won’t work, why do the need to be locked?

Heh…imagine that. I also put on ice hatches even though I will probably never ever put ice in it. :wink:

Bruce… You need to build an icing facility like Tommy Mejia’s… It’s a dandy…

He had one Stan, he turned it into a store…:wink:

Looking great there Bruce.

Nice looking conversion… The store has a siding for supply delivery via rail…

Thanks for the update, Ken…

Finished the hinges on the other side of the car, and added the brake line on the end.

Then I decided to tackle the door mechanism. I selected a few bits out of the parts box and cobbled it together. Not perfect, but close enough.

Anyway, I think it’s ready for paint.




Hey, ain’t that the guy that works at the Fireworks Stand?

Nice. Now do really want to paint that work of art “Purple”?

Purple is just in the eye of the beholder…or something like that. :wink:

I guarantee there will be some purple on it.