Large Scale Central

28th Street / Franklin Falls

New design for the track at Franklin Falls. At TrainOps it became clear that the yard needed to be 1) bigger, 2) better laid out, and 3) engine storage/turntable.


Longer runaround, double-ended caboose/storage track, and three longer yard tracks.


This area will hold the turntable and engine storage tracks.


you haven’t got much space there.
have you thought about half a turntable?
if i remember right, Richard Smith made one of those on his layout.

Yea, exactly. Im going with the on-the-edge type.

Nice work and the planters are a good idea to let you have a few plants.

From the 28th Street name, I wondered if we’d see an interest with the track down the middle of a street to an industry … :slight_smile:

Since its getting to be spring, the MOW crew is getting antsy to start work.

I’m looking for input for the Franklin Falls yard. The space I have is 30" wide, by 24 feet long. I could be convinced to go another 7 feet in length with a good design. Per the pictures above, entry into the yard is about 5" from the back end on the right side.

So, suggestions?

Take a pic of it now if you could find it!!:slight_smile:

Looks great Bob

I got 2’ layout is lost for another couple weeks. :frowning:

How about a building flat so you have some industry against the fence? :wink:

Bruce Chandler said:

How about a building flat so you have some industry against the fence? :wink:

Does that mean you have to bring a building flat to participate in the op 2013??

Great idea Bruce!

Its probably a good place for a flat of Thurmond Station…

Bob, just where is Thurmond station going to be?

Do you have a diagram of the yard plan here?

I like bruce’s idea. You could have several, set back from the track abit. Some with docks to be served by the RR, some without just representing the back side of another building. (maybe with a fire escape or two). Also leave a space between several to have a deadend alley abutting the track.

Bob, How is this area supported, kept from tipping over? Can you provide pics or drawing of the undercarriage? Thanks.


Bruce: no yard diagram yet, that’s what I’m looking for input for. I’m not happy with what I’ve done so far.

Steve: Its PT benchwork, a’la Fred Mills, on 4x4 posts on deck blocks. Its not going anywhere until the hill erodes away.

In general I would suggest the double ended sidings are needed for sorting and inbound/outbound preparation. Stub tracks can be used for storage. Engine and caboose tracks can be just near.

Bob McCown said:
This area will hold the turntable and engine storage tracks.


Bob how wide is the deck @ the top of pic?

What if you have someone install a transition piece ,then go wider and 8’ back.

Install the turn table on the transition piece , that will give you a lot of track area.You could even build a building to house engines.


Just a thought.


Bob, Are you planning on puting any freight warehouse/loading tracks in that area, or are you just trying to make it a ““yard””???

OK, I’ll be the first to weigh in. And be criticized! :wink: But, at least it’s a starting point.


Nothing fancy, I did think some industry would be nice, but that could be storage instead.

I couldn’t figure out how to draw a half circle, or even how to cut the sectional track, which is why this looks funny. It’s done in the Anyrail sample…I haven’t taken any time to learn how to do it…and it shows. :slight_smile: