Large Scale Central

28th Street / Franklin Falls

Well jeez, I was just letting things be willy-nilly. I will have to aquire some of Bob’s new fangled end of track devices.

Bricks don’t work very well, at least when Jon Radder is around


Brick is stage right about two feet.

Bob are you having a problem with control of your loco? It appears that you missed the brakeman signel to stop. That will be 5 brownies on your card! Opps I should be careful as I already have way too many on the CCRy card!


I like everything I see on that pike of yours, Bob. My own style is pretty similar, even to how I use bridges between elevated sections, and especially how I use re-cycled materials as the basis for so much of what I do. I also am building an operators’ pike… right now concentrating on the main freightyard, elevated on wooden benchwork.

I’d like to learn more about those home-brewed-looking turnouts of yours- have you posted any info around here somewhere?

No real info, but here’s a couple of photos of one of them. Cedar ties, glued to a cedar batten. Learned that trick from Rodney, and it really makes the switches tighter and stay in alignment.



Bob McCown said:
Bricks don’t work very well, at least when Jon Radder is around


Brick is stage right about two feet.

Whew, am I glad Jon isn’t around to defend hiself…:wink:

Bob McCown said:
No real info, but here's a couple of photos of one of them. Cedar ties, glued to a cedar batten. Learned that trick from Rodney, and it really makes the switches tighter and stay in alignment.
Sweet! Thanks. And rails attached by means of...? Can you actually buy LS spikes somewhere, if that's what you're using??

Living in the colonies, I don’t get out much… :confused:

Yep, MicroEngineering has spikes, I use the medium spikes. You can get them in bags of 800, or 12,000. I buy em by the 800, but I probably should just bite the bullet and buy 12,000, since you use them up pretty quickly.

Hey Bob, don’t forget to mention the “Spiker” from SwitchCrafters for driving all those medium spikes.

Thanks guys.

Ken Brunt said:
Whew, am I glad Jon isn't around to defend hiself..............;)
Wish he was.......cause he will blame you and then we get to see the pics of the ride on stuff you crashed! That brick deflection was ALL YOUR FAULT ! :)
David Russell said:
Ken Brunt said:
Whew, am I glad Jon isn't around to defend hiself..............;)
Wish he was.......cause he will blame you and then we get to see the pics of the ride on stuff you crashed!
We need to see that one every month or two, to keep our memories fresh :) Maybe I should alert Jon ;) Ralph

Bob McCown said:
Bricks don’t work very well, at least when Jon Radder is around


Brick is stage right about two feet.

EXCUSE ME ??? I do believe there was a Pennsylvanian on the throttle at the time. As Conductor I hollered “that’ll do” about 5 times before screaming STOP!!! If both trucks hadn’t left the rail we would have been in the abyss :slight_smile:

Jon I saw this picture hanging on the post office wall at Franklin Falls awhile back and this cat was from PA? Wondering if this could be the guy your referring too? If it is call Shawn and report him please! Rules … page 3?


Working a bit on the approach to the bridge to Franklin falls. This is raised benchwork with a stepover deck. Its pretty ugly on its own, so the plan is to disguise it with various planters, stone, and brick. Here’s some of the work the last few days. First, hiding a big opening in the deckwork. There’s not much room horizontal-wise, so I had to find flatish stones and mortar a vertical wall.


Today I filled in the area between the brick wall, the stones, and the decking itself, and ballasted.


Keeping fingers crossed I will see you & all the progress on Saturday. Current plan is just a day trip.

Can’t wait to see all this new stuff ya got built. Should see ya sometime Friday afternoon.

Bob McCown said:
Working a bit on the approach to the bridge to Franklin falls. This is raised benchwork with a stepover deck. Its pretty ugly on its own, so the plan is to disguise it with various planters, stone, and brick. …


Bob on looking at these pics of yours it occurred to me that the wooden stepover looks remarkably like an old time New England wood-decked highway bridge. Dunno… maybe some inspiration for you in that notion, FWIW… :confused:


That looks very nice.