Large Scale Central

28th Street / Franklin Falls

Looks good. Did Bob want a double ended yard?

This was done on RRTrack. Not much different the Bruce’s diagram . Just a few more run around tracks.


Pretty much followed my thoughts.

Bruce, doesn’t that look a whole lot like your yard, except turntable removed to a separate area?

Owl’s Bend in our basement is 3 stub sidings, and runaround incorporated into the yard lead and then two industries at the opposing end on stub sidings. Same track used for runaround and yard lead serving those industries.

Could be, Ric. Once you start putting all those tracks in parallel, then they all start looking alike. :wink:

The key on all these designs is how LONG can the longest train be?

On my design, the top track is the arrival track, and the run around to the next track down is for the locomotive to run around the incoming train. That track is about 12 feet long.

If Bob extends the yard, I’d move the switch a bit further to the left to allow for a longer train.

First, decide how long the longest train is going to be, then design the yards to fit that. Too often, I find myself doing just the opposite, design the yard first, hoping that I can fit my trains into it.

So, Bob, just how long is your longest train going to be?

I like Bruce’s design…

Bob mentioned that he could go back another 7 feet, which personally, i’d consider doing, but make it into an ““Industry”” area, for switching cars back and forth from the ““yards””… I’d run off the second track from the top to run back into that additional 7 ft area…

Make the top track, the arrival track… With the switch showing where it is, it gives the engine a place to escape from…

Track 2 from the top would for the most part, be left open to switch out the ““industries””…

track 3 could be used to store cars for the industry switching.

track 4 could be the ““Interchange”” track for freight cars going to and from other railroads…

Track 5 is already labeled…

I think I would take top left and right spurs off the turntable… Use that area for a coaling tower and a water tower for engine servicing…

Just my thoughts…

Thanks guys. One thing that stands out is there isnt a yard lead, but Im not sure there is space for one? Id hate to be bringing out a string of cars to the main just to sort a train.

Hm. I think ill need the extra 7 feet in length, both for a couple of industries, and to give a bit more yard space.

Bob, I didn’t do any measurements, but considering that the turntable is mounted to the right, I don’t believe there is sufficient room on the right side of the diagram, to have a separate yard lead, without using the mainline as the lead…

Also, with the bridge right after the ““planter”” area, even if you had a yard lead there, it wouldn’t be a very long yard lead…

Besides, congestion is good to have on a railroad… :slight_smile:

That just means that you need to move the yard limit sign out a bit, Bob. Then you have a yard lead. :wink:

Here’s another version, done quick and dirty with an engine service facility and a station flat…

( St03…jpg)There’s a turntable on the far right out of the picture.

RRTrack doesn’t covert to well to a jpg.

Ken Brunt said:

RRTrack doesn’t covert to well to a jpg.

If you mess with it a lot you can get reasonable. It might have a lot to do with your re-sizing routine; could be using the wrong sampling type or too much compression. Now don’t ask me what the best sampling type or compression ratio is 'cause I don’t have a clue. My picture program (A-See-D-See) has a drop down to select sampling and a slider for compression. I just experiment with sample type and don’t compress more than 15%.

I haven’t been able to find where you can set the compression ratio. On the older version 5 of PSP, there was a drop down window where you could set it. Version 7 doesn’t have that. Though I’m sure on this version there should be some way to set it, I just haven’t stumbled across it yet.

Or I could just save it in 2 parts as a bigger file. It doesn’t seem to like the 800x800 size format.

I’d sure fight for a yard lead. By moving the turntable out you might be able to fit one… you might have to resort to a double slip switch if you cannot widen the yard.

I did a double ended yard, the curved track in the foreground is one yard lead, the far track on the right is the other lead… the mainline is on the left…

I run SG so fouling the main is not permissible, where in a NG or small railroad it might be a necessity.


A bit of warm weather, I got this far


Need to build the turntable, and a couple more LH switches.

Mix it up and build some right handed switches too!

i like one thing about Bob’s layout:

its development is as slow, as the work on my layout…


On the last page, photo 3 shows the far end of the yard and you state that the turntable and engine servicing would be at that end, but I see everybody putting it at the entrance end of the yard. Have you changed your plans of having at the other end?

Chester Louis SA #64 Hampshire County Narrow Gauge

Yep, space-wise, it didnt make sense to have the turntable at the far end, when I can put it “behind” the yard ladder.

Korm: Being only me working on the RR, my plans take a while to get done. If I had a crew handy, I’d have Burke yard rebuilt from the scrap lumber its currently using, to nice PT and deck blocks, like Franklin Falls.


Do you want to get Burke yard redone before Trainopps? Think about scheduling a couple of work sessions. I can be avalible with advance notice.

Bob McCown said:

Korm: Being only me working on the RR, my plans take a while to get done. If I had a crew handy, I’d have Burke yard rebuilt from the scrap lumber its currently using, to nice PT and deck blocks, like Franklin Falls.

Is this a cry for help?