A few final statistics on this build:
Total Print time = 297 hours
Total individual print jobs = 109
Total individual pieces printed = 205
Total length of filament used = 5,346 feet (just over a mile)
Total Cost of filament = $96.23 (all in possession before Jan 1, 2020, so it doesn’t count toward $30 limit) But still ridiculous. I could have built the entire project out of wood for free (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-yell.gif)(http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cry.gif)
I’ve hinted all along that I didn’t think this was an efficient nor productive way to model a project of this size and the above statistics prove that without a doubt. Is 3D printing a valuable tool for modeling, absolutely. But it has its limitations with the current printing technologies. Details, one off parts, tools, small, complicated models and such are ideal for printing but not large scale structures. I print all sorts of tools for many jobs I do around the house including modeling. For example, when building the deck for this project I found I needed some more small squares of a specific size. Took about 2 minutes to create the model and in about an hour I had 8, specifically designed squares ready to use for literally a few pennies.
Many thanks for following along on this project and a special thanks to all those who provided comments and suggestions.