Large Scale Central

🚄 Work [far from] Home Apprenticeship

@freddy Fred, there’s got to be a catch.

Pay; 6 figures, free iPad, and most importantly, supervision. Learn point-to-point operations, railway lingo and more. Apparently bilingualism is not required.

Are there any downsides? Asking for friends in America England Europe New Zealand Paraguay Australia who might be interested. :wink:

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Interesting video. The Dutch have really enabled alternative transport with well developed bike paths and frequently scheduled trains.

Canada and Oz share the population density and economy of scale issues to upgrading rail infrastructure.

Reportedly parts of the rail line between the capital Canberra and Sydney NSW still use jointed rail rather than continuously welded rail, though money has been allocated for upgrading. I rode on the Siemens-ABB tilt train on that clickity clack line in the 90’s and it was unable to really reach speeds to demonstrate the technology.

But clearly we like the concept.I see reports the USA is finally breaking out having to wait for freight trains and getting high speed interstate rail. That’s got to be exciting.

Yeah, the new Brightline in Florida (Miami-Orlando-Tampa) is encouraging. A couple years ago I visited the under-construction Orlando station area for work, and it’s pretty cool. All up and running now.

This is exactly why you should never date Dutch women. They have been pedaling bike all day wearing clogs so you know they’re gonna kick your ass.


Especially the Pennsylvania Dutch women. They can drive a buggy, bake a pie and throw a cow at you. So I’ve heard.


They don’t wear clogs !

right. - because clogs would make too dangerous projectiles…

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I disagree. You need to switch your Victoria’s Secret catalog subscription over to the Amish version (Victorian’s Secret). You’d be surprised. :grin:

Or so I’ve been told.

50 shades of black :wink:

Still not seeing it Cliff?

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you are right. but that is because they are amish, not because they are dutch.

Heh…reminds ME of the old saying:

Having a teenage daughter is KARMA for having been a teen age boy… :innocent:


Throw a cow pie at you.

So if you tip the cow over is that when all the pies come out … :thinking:

The Amish folks are of German origin (Deutsch). That name was corrupted to Dutch. :wink:

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Another fact concerning the Pennsylvania Dutch is that we aren’t all Amish. We come from a group of religious reformers known as “Pietistic Germans.” I grew up in the Evangelical United Brethern Church, but that denomination was also founded by Pietistic Germans. Now it is part of the United Methodist denomination.

Regards, David Meashey


that would explain, why all the amish and menonites down here (including my inlaws) call themselves “Deech”
and insist to call me a “Deech-lander”

I’m proud to say that I’ve cow-tipped. Once. In my early years.

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So Cliff, Cow-tipping!? No wonder tipping is out of control in America! …and it’s gone from 10% to 28% and even higher. Tipping is not part of the Aussie culture.

When we first visited America milk was just 2%, no wonder it’s HALF AND HALF now!


try the veal!