Our layout changing all of the time with new ideas over the years… So as a retired Elect. and contractor , we use a lot PVC in the ground and is a very good idea, but lots of work cutting in or moving stuff on a Garden R.R. like ours.
So we use a lot of low voltage wiring like that is used for Malbu light around the yards for Switches and building Lighting.
On the track power side… we make 8 inch trenches with sand base and lay in 12/2w/G Romex as feeders to many parts of the layout… Then lay 1 x 4’s boards over the them and fill back in with sand and dirt. It easy to work with and wires are good for 20 amps @100 ft. Anything over that we go with 10/2W G to keep a 20 amp max we need. “We use a lot of block sys and this works out well for us.”
Our 3 power supply doesn’t put out much more the 12 amps each on parts of the layout.
Not sure what your are running on your track powers but on ours we sometime we run maybe 6 USA mix Loc’s. like…F-3’s,GP9 and GP-38 with no Problems with very long trains that doesn’t look good waiting for the darn end of the train to show up But some people like to run some long trains that has caboose is with 3 or 4 inch from touching each other. lol.
Romex usually …even in wet/water area ( along as not cuts in the casing) will work well in wet places as long as the wire doesn’t get wet on the ends to connection seal up… We have a lot of low voltage stuff like intercoms, ph, lighting and etc using it and that was put in 30 yrs ago and look like new when dig up to move or take out, still look like new. .
Anyway Romex and Malbu wiring can work well for changes over the years use on our R.R.'s.