Large Scale Central

Winter project

Richard, I’m thinking to leave it natural. Got some more done today. Added 3 shorter bents at one end.


And a double bent for a deck truss bridge.


You are just bound and determined to lure me into building one of these. Great work Randy.

Me too. I have a great spot for one. Good thing that garbage truck showed up or I’'d have spent the last week in the basement making sawdust.

Randy, it’s looking fantastic… I’m scared to mention what I lucked into… :slight_smile:

I have this same project this winter you have given me some real pointers in making my first trestles. Thanks Randy, looks great.

Andy Clarke said:
Randy, it's looking fantastic...... I'm scared to mention what I lucked into..... :)
Don't be afraid Andy, let the truth set you free. Now what luck did you have ? with a pic! :)

that scares me!
i have to build something similar to connect two sections of my layout. but is seems soo much work…

That looks great Randy. I would leave it as is. Let mother nature weather it for you.

Fantastic build! At the rate you are progressing, you will have it finished and installed before winter gets to you. :slight_smile:

Bob C.

Okay, the CEO made the call today that the bridge ties were not going to work. First, they did not ‘blend’ in well with AMS Code 250 ties that the rest of the RR is built from. And besides if the RR can afford ‘creosoted’ ties the they should be able to afford ‘creosoted’ bridge ties as well. Second he felt that they were too short, even though they were the same length (9 scale feet) as the Roi Grande bridge ties. And third the AMS tie width did not allow 'The Spiker" to fit atop the tie. So old ties are being removed and another batch of about 200 new bridge ties were cut, stained to match the AMS tie colour, to the correct width to accept ‘The Spiker’ and increased in length to 10 scale feet.




Also '22 guage sheet metal was added to the tops of the caps for fire protection. Actually foil duct tape sanded with fine sandpaper to remove most of the gloss of it. Edit to add: The old bridge ties will be recycled to build cribbing and retaining walls,etc.

Is it done yet?

All the bridge ties installed, ready for guard beams. The track laying crew must be getting anxious, notice the 2 patented Radder track quages in the trestle deck.


Looks great Randy!


Got guard beams done on one side and started on the fire barrel platforms and started spiking the rail down.



One more thing i would like to mention, this spiking rail thing. Was dreading it from the get go but once you get started, as someone mentioned before it’s like a zen thing or something. Get’s a little addictive. :slight_smile:

Dont it though?

Randy McDonald said:
One more thing i would like to mention, this spiking rail thing. Was dreading it from the get go but once you get started, as someone mentioned before it's like a zen thing or something. Get's a little addictive. :)
Welllllllllllllllllllllll.........I dunno about that.............;)

Hey Randy your “Winter” project is looking great. Do you ever get down to the Spokane, Washington area? If so let me know.


Got the rails all spiked today.




Note to self: Fire barrel platforms make great beer holders. :slight_smile: