Large Scale Central

Who's going to 2019 NGRC Portland?

Ted and I will be on the tours Thurs and Fri, and he’s a SP fan, so we’ll get a few for you too Michael.


Mary and I have moved up our arrival from Thursday to Wednesday so I can get a model into the model contest. Hope to see a lot of old friends.

I’m not going to make it to the convention. Of all things, a kidney infxn has laid me low. Getting old is not for the faint of heart. (

Steve, sorry to hear this. Was looking forward to meeting you. Take care, but, lucky for you, with Devon doing better, a lot of us are now available to assist in your care. Let’s see, the kidney, eh? I’ve got five children and six grandchildren — that’s twenty-two kid’s knees. Should be able to work out something …

So who among us is actually here? Did a meet up ever materialize?

So who among us is actually here? Did a meet up ever materialize?

Me and no

So much going on, layout tours, clinics, rides, I am all over town most of the time

Hope any here are enjoying themselves


So NGRC in Denver in 2021 and the Bay Area Garden Railway Society will host the NGRC again in 2022. Yes, that was me up at the podium…

Good to know that you’ve committed, Russ! Count me in as a volunteer. (