Large Scale Central

What one does when not modeling

This is what I do when not modeling. What do you do?


I do a lot with music when not modeling. The usual, church choir and the church handbell choir, but the “off the wall” musical pursuit is the steel drum band. I play the bass steel drums, which are made from a full 55gallon oil/lubrication storage drum. They can only hold three notes each, which is why six of them are needed for a full octave with the sharps and flats.

Regards, David Meashey


That is fantastic!!
Used to play percussion in church, but just got to old to keep up. Rhythm is great but the arthritis just doesn’t let my hands keep up. You are blessed!!

Bruce G

I like working on projects for my turn of the century victorian house and sometimes working on my house (depending on the project). I’m currently converting some old gas lights to electric and recently hand painted some ceiling medallions.
I also enjoy historic research (especially RR related) and trying to solve histories mysteries ( which I have solved a few) locally.


what am i doing, when not modeling?


and it seems, that i’m not yet done with it.

I think I have given up modeling…(I have a shaking left hand that precludes doing much of anything…the Neurologist calls it Parkinson’s - and now that I’ve moved to a retirement place I pretty much don’t have any room for stuff). but I MAY take up R/C sailing…these guys go twice a week here…kind of fun but I sure can’t read the wind very well!

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I’m webmaster of 2 condo websites so I am constantly updating them and sorting out other technology. This year I got to design a new fiber-optic network for our condo in FL after the Hurricane. SO when I’m not modeling, I’m on the computer.

For the last couple of years I have been focused on writing novels.

My latest was just released in July:

You can see more about it at or on Amazon:

And most recently I have been battling a serious health issue.

The writing was way more fun.


I try to go diving once a month.

Admittedly, that image was from 2016, but I don’t have the credit rating for an underwater camera!

I fence twice a week, epee and sabre, and I occasionally make presentation on Hawaiians in the U.S. Civil War and, more rarely, on the less-documented and ill-starred service in Honolulu of the troops of HRHH King Kamehameha III.

Oldest Daughter and I are active in our church’s music program. We sing in the choir and do trombone duets. Shameless bragging…she also served as music director over the summer, playing organ, piano and trombone. I had to teach her how to chant, so I was not totally useless…



Bruce, thanks for asking. And a very cool “train to nowhere.” Is that digital art that you created?

The last 4 years, I’ve been involved in historical research (and, OK, related model-making) of topics near Dayton, NV. First was the turbine windmill of Mound House (a few miles southwest of Dayton); then the DS&CVRR, a 6-mile industrial line centered in Dayton; then the Sutro Tunnel site, which is now surrounded by a very growing Dayton. All of which were fairly intense on the research, and had a model involved and a presentation in Carson.

This year, it’s been only research on the railways of Sutro Tunnel. Though no model is involved, it’s kept me as busy as the other projects with articles, maps, correspondence, newspaper and letter research, misc graphics, and prep for the upcoming talk in Carson.

Oh, and I installed a shed.

Every year I think I need to take a break from history and focus on the layout. And this year, my better half is insisting I do so. :smiley:

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2 mini horses 12 chickens, 2 grandsons, a place in Cocagne NB Canada painting the house, 40 hr work week etc.

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Oh yeah, that thing. Me too.

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David, very cool. Couple questions.

Did you make those drums?
Is the set in the background another octave?
Where does the the choir go when you set up on the dais?
Packing up after a concert, have you ever wished you’d stuck with handbells?

:smiley: Cliff


Did not make the drums, although they are mostly hand-made. Quest School of Music owns the drums and the studio. They have a medium duty van body truck to haul them to concerts, and band members help to load and unload it. Also the studio is referred to as a “pan yard.”

And the set in the background plays the same notes as mine. We have three bass drummers in the Panamania band.

When we play in a church, we usually use the chancel area, but the choir does not usually sing during that time. They are probably listening from the pews.

Best, David Meashey

Well, actually, we have a boat too, and I spend a lot of time on that, as it’s a cabin cruiser that we can sleep on. We just got back from Quebec City on a 6+week cruise. Didn’t get any modelling done, but we saw a few trains as we went up/down the Hudson.

I persuaded my kids to buy me one of the shelf-module kits - this one has a RR compartment and a little motor moving the backscene past the windows. Theoretically I should be able to make it onboard. In practice, there’s not enough room to store it in a part-finished state.

I retired as a Director of Information Management for the US Army. Never want to ever do computers for anybody else again. God’s Blessing on you for still doing it.
Bruce G

No, that is not modeling or digital art. That is an image from the PC online game Railroads Online. I been on it for 2 1/2 years where your build own narrow gauge railroad by laying track, building industries and running locomotives. That engine is a Cooke 2-8-0 from the DSP&P. Nowhere is a stamping mill in the Aurora Falls Alaska map.

Bruce G

I got a 1/8 scale nitro hydroplane with a 7.5 cc K&B motor and a tuned pipe I’ll sell ya’ !

Then you can wreck the lake and show’em how it’s done!

Do you have a “pop up” hardcover version with dust sleeves available ?
I hope asking this makes your health a bit better!


Every other week I service 2 ROUNDY ROUND layouts , one at a Pediatric office , a simple 2 track rectangle from waiting room thru the hall around the office staff and back to the waiting room.
The second is at Ryan House , a children’s respite ( parents caring for children with long term illness can at any time bring the child here for the parents to get a break) and hospice care facility.
Do some on line help for some friends , and enjoy retirement

Here is a short video of the layout