Large Scale Central

What does this switch do?

I saw this switch on Ebay and am puzzled by it.

The description says that it is used to protect the mainline. All I can think of is that when a train enters the siding the switch is thrown to keep the train from going baack onto the main. If it tried to it would derail.

Inquiring minds want to know. Thanks

It’s what’s called a “de-railer” . It’s used on a siding near where it connects to the main line to derail any cars that mey decide to roll out toward the main line. The open point would be on the side away from the main line.

Well that makes sense Ken. Are these still used today or what era were they used the most?

A runaway boxcar doesn’t seem like that much of a common occurance but of course just one sitting where it is not supposed to be could be catastrophic.

There are some people who will release the brakes ‘to see what happens’. The Derail is still used today. There are some that are locked to a rail. Occassionally there will be an ad in Trains mag for new derailers…

Doesn’t take much grade to start a car rolling.


The EBT had an actual switch on the downhill end of it’s Robertsdale yard that would divert run-aways to a short spur that dead ended into a hill. Almost the whole line is downgrade from there so it was important to catch them early.

There’s as many different kinds of derailers as there are RR’s.;_ylt=A0LEV1ykvuxUXmcAZLJXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzZ3E1M2tuBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQMjI2XzEEc2VjA3Nj?p=Railroad+Track+Derailers&fr=hp-avast-s

I don’t know if that link will work or not.

I have some derailers on my railroad that only work when I have some visitors. Or, maybe I just have gnomes.

I think I have the same ones, derailers that is. No gnomes allowed! (

Todd, to answer your question, Yes, they are used out here today, at least in the Midwest…

OK Todd thanks for asking that question.

I read your post then looked at the link and went “WTF something is missing this thing would send a runnaway box car flying” well little did I know that this is its exact purpose. Interesting, after reading about some runnaway cars coming down the tracks i the locoal papers bak in the day I can see where this served a real purpose.

I love learning somehting new, and when your as dim as me the world is always bright…

Bruce Chandler said:

I have some derailers on my railroad that only work when I have some visitors. Or, maybe I just have gnomes.

No, those are gremlins. Probably from the Kremlin.

This one looks as if it just gets flipped over into place manually.

This one is set on the downhill side of a siding at Ross Peak (CP TransCon; Rogers Pass)

The sign is “plenty” high to make sure it can be seen in the winter; Rogers Pass is the spot that (usually) gets the most snow on the CP.

I have a few on my line too…Eli, Luke, Caidyn, Milam and Zoe all have 2 legs; Tiger and Dora have 4.

Mine only have one name " sonovab****" (

Ken Brunt said:

Mine only have one name " sonovab****" (

That’s the one I have, too!

I saw a derailer down in 84 PA. it was connected by rod to the switch machine. So when the swicth was thrown to the main, the derailer would pivot up and over the rail on the siding. I am not sure if I took a picture of it or not.

As for derailers on my railroad, they are usually 4 legged and furry. Tree rats, rats, chipmonks…

A switch that derails trains: But most of my switches do that

Cale Nelson said:

I have a few on my line too…Eli, Luke, Caidyn, Milam and Zoe all have 2 legs; Tiger and Dora have 4.

Good one Cale.

I have 2 cocker spaniels that do a good job of derailing cars. I have also seen birds land on boxcars and when they take off the cars tip.