No Mike, I’m just aware of my limitations. Plus, if I weren’t, I’ve found they also show up quite well from 10" away, and/or with a flash. Most of the guys have become quite adept at politely overlooking my inevitable boogers, and blobs. And I thank them for that :D…I simply need to get me a “put it back on” tool, and hire someone else to sand and paint
A ‘class’ or group build would be interesting, but what? I suggested a steam portable farm engine a while back (for sawmill power, derelict in a fencerow, etc), but nobody seemed too interested at the time. — It’d probably have to be not only something of general interest to the group, but something that could either be scale generic, or adaptable - Otherwise you limit your class to just the 1:20(POINT3!!!) guys, the 1:29 guys etc… (an important consideration if you use ‘off the shelf’ castings, or decide to sell ‘kits’)… And even if I’m not building along, I might have a few photos in my “someday” files to aid the builders.