I dont think the ads are bad. It is how they pay the bills. The small price we pay for our subscription doesn’t cover their costs.
As I page through the most recent magazine I can only say that I enjoyed Kevin’s final article on lighting, because that is what I’ve been intending to do on my layout, so it gives me an idea what others are doing. I liked the weathering article. I’ve weathered with chalk for many years but I learned a couple new tricks in the article.
You guys asked for more small layouts and I see on pg 32 a pretty small layout. Of course not the size of Vic’s but still small.
I also enjoyed the article on making a through-deck bridge, which is a more advanced project. Then the beginner project was on making people and kitbashing a small rail truck. For me I’ve never attempted to make people and reading it gives me a little confidence to give it a try.
I dont know guys. I think they try to put as much stuff in there, to cover as wide of a variety as they can. We may not get use out of all the articles, but I would be willing to bet that there is something in every edition that you could learn.
In the end, who do you think writes the articles??? WE DO!!! If we dont submit article for them to publish, such as: if we built a new building and how we did it, a article on our layout or many other things. We as the modelers drive what goes in the magazine by what we submit to them. So, if it isnt in there perhaps you should write the article and submit it.
Also, I dont want to sound negative by what I’ve said. Please no one take offense. You all are free to express your opinions and I mine.