Ken , thanks for your help . Would you like to downsize the other ?
The idea was to try to show
high quality modelling
the use of vinyl lettering
It was also to promote wisecracks from one who should know better and one who knows no better .
My son made the model , which is not quite finished , and he lettered it with vinyl lettering produced on a 2D machine locally by a very friendly printer who was interested to see what it was ; he had told Martyn , my son , that if he took it back and showed the result , he’d do the lettering for freeeee!!!
So he did , the bloke took photos (probably better than mine) and Martyn now has a friend who can advise him about printing and cutting things . Martyn wants some masking done , so that’s the next item .
The prototype for the model , as all who have travelled the world will know , is owned by a South American Company and it runs over terrain not suited to any trains , let alone a road train .
It’s 1/14 scale and has full radio control over forward/reverse & gear changing , engine sound that includes starting and is synchronised to speed , air tank hisses for brakes and gear change ; directional indicators , air horn sound , head tail and brake lights , reversing lamps and bleeper . If you want one fully finished as per the photo , it will cost you about $1500 for parts and paint . The know-how comes expensive so these models can change hands for about $3000 , usually to companies for advertising (and driving round the showroom)
I think the model is not a bad effort for someone trying to recover from chemotherapy .