Large Scale Central

West Virginia & Kentucky V 3.5

Aboard all the ships in which I served, I would have been flogged around the fleet, had I spelled it Under Way.

Landlubbers. Sheesh!

“What happened was that the Dutch, who were European masters of the sea in the seventeenth century, gave us — among many other nautical expressions — the term onderweg, meaning “on the way”. This became naturalised as under way and is first recorded in English around 1740, specifically as a maritime term (its broader meanings didn’t appear until the following century). Some over-clever individuals connected with the sea almost immediately linked it erroneously with the phrase to weigh anchor.”

Over clever individuals :wink:

Definition of “weigh anchor” from the dictionary: (of a ship) to raise the anchor and get under way:

Well, as was explained in the Blue Jacket’s Manual, it is NOT, under way as in going somewhere, it is under weigh, as in the anchor is weighed and stowed and all is right with the ship.

Landlubbers. Trying to be over clever. :slight_smile:

Im not Dutch…and I tend to lump them in with the French since they were so friendly with Boney…so there…

Weigh anchor is correct. See post above.
But the train is under way.

Lookin’ good Bart!

Bart Salmons said:
Im not Dutch....and I tend to lump them in with the French since they were so friendly with there.....
Well, it was the English who used the maritime phrase "under way" in 1740. Can you also disassociate yourself from the English ;)

By the way. I’m not turning in to Phather Phred. Really, I’m not :smiley:
I let you slide in using the term.
But I am too anal to let Steve slide in saying it was correct :wink:

In 21 years, all I can remember that I ever knew was U/W. I probably learned proper spelling early, but lost it in the passage of time and getting it in the log, quickly. :wink: But then again, nobody ever called me a boat swain mate and I only ventured once into the Pacific Oatswain.

Ralph Berg said:
Bart Salmons said:
Im not Dutch....and I tend to lump them in with the French since they were so friendly with there.....
Well, it was the English who used the maritime phrase "under way" in 1740. Can you also disassociate yourself from the English ;)

By the way. I’m not turning in to Phather Phred. Really, I’m not :smiley:
I let you slide in using the term.
But I am too anal to let Steve slide in saying it was correct :wink:

So, you want to be right, even when you are wrong. I can live with that. :slight_smile:


Steve Featherkile said:
So, you want to be right, even when you are wrong. I can live with that. :)


Geez Steve,
Are you sure you’re not a Senator?
That’s another group that has been doing the same thing wrong for 40 years, or more, but still think they’re right.

Definition of “weigh anchor” from the dictionary: (of a ship) to raise the anchor and get under way:

See, even the dictionary gets it wrong. Probably written by a New… naw ain’t goin’ there… :lol:

Steve Featherkile said:
Aboard all the ships in which I served, I would have been flogged


And this is a surprise? Bart a town square on the WV&K with a stockade could be modeled for public floggings.
Don’t forget the “goat locker”


I see where this is going. :slight_smile:

Ok so after a work related hiatus, I’m back with a kick started Mojenator, running at High Speed! Yesterday I completed industrial Spurs in the Pearce Yard area, with plans to finish up a third one today. The big news is The Shop 4.0. I’vede decided to remove the old On30 layout completely and move The Shop facilities into te space it occupied, not to worry though, the design is such that the Port Lavender Terminal Railroad can have space around the walls at a 55" height. The old On30 benchwork is bing modified to support the new work spaces, yesterday I began construction on a workbench 36" wide by 14 FEET long!

Is it done yet. And pics help some of us. :slight_smile:

Im sure everyone has seen their shares of junk piles…

We want pictures!