Large Scale Central

Website slowness, and a warning

Hey folks

Over the last couple of weeks, the site has experienced odd slowness, usually in the evening. I’ve been tracking it down, and made some change to help. Watching the site last night, I didnt see any errors like we have been getting the last several days. Still keeping an eye on it.

And now, a warning. Complaints about inappropriate content are on the rise again. You know who you are, you’ve been warned and suspended before. Knock it off or the suspension is permanent next time.

Bob McCown said:

And now, a warning. Complaints about inappropriate content are on the rise again. You know who you are, you’ve been warned and suspended before. Knock it off or the suspension is permanent next time.

Dear Fellow Trainsters…I have been selling off a lot of my extra train stuff, having set up an improvised train store in the garage, and have had the very rewarding experience of not only making back some money but getting four or five families with five- to nine-year-old kids and grandkids started out in trains. (I’ll send a picture and details along at some point.)

I’ve recommended LARGESCALECENTRAL as the place to go for great ideas, help, and maybe buy more supplies I don’t have for them.

The parents have asked if the site is safe for kids, and I have said, “Oh yes it is,” (the kids being supervised of course).

Bob McCown said:

Hey folks

Over the last couple of weeks, the site has experienced odd slowness, usually in the evening. I’ve been tracking it down, and made some change to help. Watching the site last night, I didnt see any errors like we have been getting the last several days. Still keeping an eye on it.

Thanks for keeping up on this Bob. Site has been better the last couple days.

But the load time is creeping back up already

Well, the highest pageviews happen between 7 and 9pm. Traffic more than triples.

That’s average pageviews per minute. The middle spike is Nov 30, the one on the right is Dec 1.

We get a LOT of traffic in the evening.

Those spikes are probably chat. Lots of page loads to see the latest post.

Yea, about half that spike is chat, the rest is forums traffic.

Tried to get on today between !!:30 and 12:00 noon, no access. tonight from 7:05 till 7:53 continuous refresh to see how long it is down. Error message received:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli_Exception’ with message ‘Too many connections’ in /home/rmccown3/public_html/application/libraries/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php:352 Stack trace: #0 /home/rmccown3/public_html/application/libraries/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(448): Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->_connect() #1 /home/rmccown3/public_html/application/modules/Core/Bootstrap.php(112): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query(‘SET time_zone =…’) #2 /home/rmccown3/public_html/application/libraries/Engine/Application/Bootstrap/Abstract.php(256): Core_Bootstrap->_initDb() #3 /home/rmccown3/public_html/application/libraries/Engine/Application/Bootstrap/Abstract.php(207): Engine_Application_Bootstrap_Abstract->_executeResource(‘db’) #4 /home/rmccown3/public_html/application/libraries/Engine/Application/Bootstrap/Abstract.php(150): Engine_Application_Bootstrap_Abstract->_bootstrap(NULL) #5 /home/rmccown3/public_html/application/libraries/Engine/Application.php(149): Engine_Application_Bootstrap_Abstract->bootstrap(NULL) #6 /hom in /home/rmccown3/public_html/application/libraries/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php on line 352

Guess all we can hope is you get the new rendition up soon. Seems these access issues came after we were told the software would no longer be supported and you were looking for a new deal. Frustrating I only have time to complain when I can finally get onto the site that I use for a little relaxation

I reported that same error to Bob a few days ago, the day Google went down. Within an hour LSC was back. Don’t know if Bob did anything or it resolved itself. Google was timing out for me earlier this evening, so it might be ad service issues. Seems connected.

Yea, the software being unsupported is causing issues. A lot of the packages ‘call home’ to get licensing info, and to send usage statistics. Since they dont support this package any more, a lot of those endpoints are dead, and cause issues. I ferret them out as I find them, but they’re purposely obfuscated.

I dont have a block of free time to import to the new package, but I dont see where I have a choice at this point.

Bob McCown said:

I ferret them out as I find them, but they’re purposely obfuscated.


This is HUGE for me as I learned a new word ! Rooster tends to “obfuscate” things just like the ferrets!

This post has been edited by ROOSTER: Obfuscate can also be used as an adjective …YES!!!

Thank you BD !!

Causing issues and getting worse. over an hour tonight to log on. Rant left in a blank chat. Email me if the site starts working again

I was watching as that happened, it went down almost exactly at 7:00 and was timing out for about an hour and 15 minutes. That does not correspond with a spike in traffic or anything. There’s some process that runs at that time that’s REALLY screwing things up. Im at my wits end about this right now.

Here’s the traffic graph with the arrow pointing to the hour we were down. No giant spike in traffic before it, just normal up/down.

I’ve added Cloudflare CDN to the site (probably won’t mean much to many of you), but that should speed up things by at least 10%.

I see you seem to have removed the three pics from the home landing page also.

Yea, that was using a set of plugins from a company that doesnt exist any more, and was taking 3+ seconds *all on its own" to show the pictures. Annoying.

I do note even here early in the day the refresh is better

Thanks for all of your efforts on this Bob.

Interesting, when the site was down two nights in a row (16th and 17th) from about 7:00 to 8:00 I was beginning to think it was some sort of denial of service attack.

That certainly is possible. I’ve send up a distress rocket with the ISP to escalate helping figure out what is going on. The biggest part is that when the server is down, its down hard and takes 30+ minutes to recover even to the point I can get to the server itself. I had the ISP do a hard reset a couple days ago, just to get the machine up.

Whatever is happening isnt leaving any clear fingerprints on what is going on. Frustrating doesnt begin to describe it.