Curmudgeon mcneely said:
I get the newbies here for an ops session, fill them in on the facts of life…let them observe…and they realize it works, without the interference of any magazine or standards body trying to change things.
Thanks Dave for introducing me to large scale 13 years ago… I may not always agree with what Dave says or understand why, but I’ve learned that 99% of the time, Dave’s advice was spot on.
The beauty of the Ops nights at Dave’s proves many of the things he’s discusses. How many other people carry regular 3-6 hour operating sessions on a biweekly basis??? Anyone? When I first meet Dave it was every Friday night except for Labor Day weekend…
My introduction to large scale problems and solutions was the BS sessions in the shed. Forums what forums? For a young teenager they were quite eye opening and entertaining but I learned a lot about the hobby.
Thanks Dave for hosting OPS nights. I hope to be back as a regular soon.