Boomer K. MOGWAI said:
Pete Lassen Said “Black, orange , orange, blue. yellow, green, blue”.
Hey that is the code to get in the secret back room of the Chat Bar! mmmm Maybe should not have pointed that out.
Build is looking good Dan!
Blah blah blah!!! Ok I am way too tired , that really cracked me up . Did you have your wife hand you the clamps so that order would be restored? Almost time for judging and I am glad I am not jud… oh dang I. Guess I am judging this. Keep the cool work coming Dan!
Pete Lassen said:
Blah blah blah!!! Ok I am way too tired , that really cracked me up . Did you have your wife hand you the clamps so that order would be restored? Almost time for judging and I am glad I am not jud… oh dang I. Guess I am judging this. Keep the cool work coming Dan!
Absolutely (
Orange, blue, orange, blue, orange, blue, orange, blue, orange, blue, orange, blue…and that would be the self destruct code for the chat server. You really are on a hot streak aren’t you Dan?
Whats next? BDs admin password? Location of Elvis’s witness protection safe house? NATO Nuclear Launch codes? You are going to wind up being the first member of LSC whose “Report” button goes straight to Homeland Security.
Let’s see if we can stump Boomer( What is this the code to Boomer?(
Nice try…that is Dave Taylor’s algorithm matrix for working out the annual Mik’s Topic.
Come on give me a hard one you guys!!!
BTW very cool build coming along there Dan! I assume this will be showing itself in Atlanta?
Dan: your joists and roofing supports are awesomely complex and realistic, I love it. Too bad they will be covered up!
Boomer K. MOGWAI said:
Nice try…that is Dave Taylor’s algorithm matrix for working out the annual Mik’s Topic.
Come on give me a hard one you guys!!!
BTW very cool build coming along there Dan! I assume this will be showing itself in Atlanta?
You don’t get off that easy Boomer. In order to win the prize you have to actually give the code itself, not just claim you know it ( Remember, order matters (
Heck no its not coming to Atlanta. I don’t have to expose all the mistakes with the pictures I show here, but in person … they’re impossible to hide.
Jim Rowson said:
Dan: your joists and roofing supports are awesomely complex and realistic, I love it. Too bad they will be covered up!
Thanks Jim. It is sad that on a lot of builds, the framing/interior is the most complicated and truly shows the skill of the modeler and it all gets covered up never to be seen again. Hey, at least I’m not going to go through all the trouble of building it just to turn around and burn it down ( Takes balls to do that and my wife doesn’t let me have mine that often ( Hi Gregory. Please take these comments as a compliment!!
Alright we all know what we are looking at here…move along. End of discussion.
Except for painting/weathering the tin, I’m done. I will have to do some glue cleanup before that happens but that shouldn’t take long. Before the final reveal, here is a shot of how I flashed the valley between the two roofs. I used .002 brass shim stock which worked very good.
So, here it is in all its glory.
I did have to use some of the brass shim stock for the ridge cap on the back. Looks odd now, but will get painted at some point to match everything else. I may add a couple vent stacks later tonight or tomorrow. We’ll see how time holds out. Thanks for following along.
Nice Dan. That building has a lot of character.
That green came out nice. Very nice job
Thanks Jon & Devon. Ok, again I’m at the point of building that I don’t particularly enjoy and that is painting. I think I’ve mentioned that I am using steel shim stock for roofing. I thought about letting it weather and rust on its own, but this building will not be outside anytime soon. So, I need to weather the tin myself. I decided to put a base coat of some shade of gray and then attempt to add rust. Well, the gray turned out OK. As it turns out, I wish I had left it there … but no … I had to go and … well, you’ll see for yourself. Here is the base coat.
I’m not quite done with my finger painting. I’ll post those a little later.
Yep, I should have stuck with the gray. I hate to even show this mess, but I must. WARNING: the following may be offensive to those who know what the hell they are doing when it comes to weathering. Sorry, but here goes. Those with a weak heart may want to turn their head (
One good thing about paint, you can always start over (
Dan, your building came out great. I like the different decks and covers, gives it a feel like it has been modified and added on many times over the years. I don’t think the roof looks bad at all. I would try clear coating it with a flat finish first to get rid of the gloosy finish and then if you still don’t like it, I would try weathering chalks.
Gee I don’t think the roof looks bad.
Looks like all it needs is a a coat of Matte Mediun or Dullcoat to give it a flat finish and all is good , looks great to me.
Vic Smith said:
Looks like all it needs is a a coat of Matte Mediun or Dullcoat to give it a flat finish and all is good , looks great to me.
i agree knock off that shine and it will look good. On mine I used weathering chalks and it really took the shine off and added depth tot he weathering.