Large Scale Central

Washington Fire Co. No.1


I really can’t talk right now guys as the local codes officer showed up!


Notice it’s 5:30pm est. and he it still here in the same spot… :wink:

David Russell said:
Notice it's 5:30pm est. and he it still here in the same spot...... ;)
I guess he didn't notice the concrete was fresh :lol: Ralph

There are so many code violations on this build he’s waiting on his assistant to bring two more “code violation” pads :slight_smile:

David Russell said:


I really can’t talk right now guys as the local codes officer showed up!


Notice it’s 5:30pm est. and he it still here in the same spot… :wink:

I think your fire station is haunted

Very nice work David… That one fine building even with all of the code vilations. Funny… on window look out…

Do to circumstances beyond the owners control this build will be temporarily delayed due to an excessive number of code violations. Once these have been corrected the contractor will be allowed to continue. Sorry for any inconvience this may cause

The inspector


Code violations were attended too.Contractor corrected the last violation this PM and should be able to continue construction by Monday

So what the contractor sneakily gets accomplished over the weekend shall look like great progress and work ethnic by the time the “codes official” returns.

Despite keeping the codes official happy work has continued and we actually had an ironic situation here in town today as the “REAL” fire house had a fire…it was electrical in nature(lighting fixture I believe) and contained quickly but made for a heck of mess as it occured about 5pm rush hour. Anyway the back and side walls were completed.


Now were moving onto the roof line. The front freize board/fascia was made from trimplank ripped down and the scrap from the rip was used to make the corbels. Naturally in my building style the roof will be removeable and of course all the walls can be unscrewed and broken down.


I was asked by the code official how the brownstone and windows were made and the answer is quite simply. The brownstone is just an overlay to hide the corner seam. This is done with .020 styrene strips ripped down from a sheet at 3/4" then lines are scored at approx. 1/2" intervals offsetting every other at 1/4". For the opposite side just reverse what you made and when put together it will look like real stone blocks set in place.


The windows are scratched as well. I cut the rough opening on the wall then used 1/8" acrylic cut to fit the opening. I trimmed it out(casing) with .020x.250(1/4") evergreen styrene. The mullions and sash lines are made with .040x.100 material laid on top of the acrylic and glued with (plastructs or basically mek)



I’m onto the rear roof line and have the trusses cut. I believe the roof will be the 1/4" styrene material as I have some left.


This is where the structure stands so far and still figuring out details. What’s fun is when it’s finished I can tear it all apart in a pile of pieces then put it back together!!! I love doing that! :wink:


Great job.
I don’t know how all you guys get so much done.
It’s taking me 2 days just to mask my Observation car for painting.

Excellant work Dave. You’ll have town 1 done in no time. Next you’ll need to build Crayola

David Marconi said:
Excellant work Dave. You'll have town 1 done in no time. Next you'll need to build Crayola
I have not forgotten about that ....figured I would get it here shortly...not sure what I'm gonna do with it but I'm sure it will come to me! ;)
Ralph Berg said:
Great job. I don't know how all you guys get so much done. It's taking me 2 days just to mask my Observation car for painting. Ralph

Actually your work is different than mine as I paint as I go where your masking off something already built.
I hate painting! I could spit my models out faster if I didn’t paint as I go.
Does that comfort you? I think your doing quite well and I personally like your color choices!
These freakin’ guys build “puffer bellies” from scratch “wait model them”
We are pimples on a skeeters ass!

Looking real good, DavidR…

David Russell said:
We are pimples on a skeeters ass! ;)
I'm trying to work my way up to a pimple on a skeeters ass. I'm still a hemorrhoid on a Gnat's ass :D Ralph


Great work Dave. I think your method of sub-assembly may have some commercial potential if you ever decide to go into the model RR structure business. Sure would make shipping easy :smiley:

Jon Radder said:
Great work Dave. I think your method of sub-assembly may have some commercial potential if you ever decide to go into the model RR structure business. Sure would make shipping easy :D
That really don't blow my dress up Jon... Bet your ass somebody is already mocking up a viaduct and I could care less. This is a "hobby"..... however that is what started my career in the auto industry and now it's not a hobby! I enjoy what I do for a living but it's not a passion anymore. My "hobby" is model trains and I wanna keep it that way. If you feel that I should be doing something different please patent it and we shall all share in the wealth! BTW....I checked the route home for the transfer of the "Cigar Store" from PA to CT and all lanes are good with permits obtained on the borough level as it will clear all obstructions. Just curious if you have the all clear on all other routes and approx. date as to when this transfer will take place? ;)

I first need to get clearance from the Supreme Master. Haven’t done that yet, but will ask today. I will be attempting to get Thursday 10/8 through Monday 10/12 as vacation time. Fri-Sat-Sun is stuff at the EBT, so either late in the day Thursday or anytime before 3 on Monday would work for me. How’s your work schedule?