I was running my trains today when a set of 4 intermodal containers came tumbling down.
No serious damage though several of the metal grate walkways are now off. I have to glue some back, and find alternate nails for others as I lost some of the nails in the tumble. One of my container doors had a small piece break at the top that holds it in. I can close the door and it stays closed but it sadly won’t open right again. Couple of scuff marks on container cars too.
What I realized…the bottom containers need to be weighed down. Or more specifically the center of the car themselves. The cars are not very heavy. On Greg Elmassian’s site you can find the exact advice about weighing them down if you pull long stretches of them, specifically with the containers at the front. See here https://www.elmassian.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=542&Itemid=657
Every time a tumble has happened for me it adds a bit of anxiety to sounds after that. A few of my falls have been due to not flipping turnouts… I intend to put some guard rails around turnouts. This one caught me off guard but became obvious once I saw how it moved around a curve.
3 GP38’s pulling 4 intermodal cars with shared trucks, 2 independent intermodals, 2 box cars, 4 4 bay hoppers, one modern tank car, 3 coal cars and a caboose. 18 Cars in total. It was going on level track around 120 degrees of 10 foot diameter curve. All intermodal’s had 2 containers per car.