Large Scale Central


Hi all,
I am starting this thread, not really knowing where I will end up going with it or what all it will cover. For several years I have had some vague idea that my railroad would/will have a mining area but have delayed doing much about it as I concentrated on the “logging” theme of my RR.

Last year a friend, and fellow club member, passed and left me the bitter-sweet job of removing and disposing of his garden railroad. He was very much “into” mining operations and was concerned that his Mining buildings would not find a good home, Hint, Hint. I told him that I thought that we could find an area on the Shasta Pacific to fit a few mining buildings. Turns out he had a location in mind and told me how he thought they would best fit.

So, now, I had/have to develop a mining district on my Logging railroad. Hmmmm, his ideas were actually pretty good and the more I looked at the area the more the scene grew on me. My wife made several suggestions that I have incorporated, (I don’t know where she learned anything about mining) and the addition has begun to come to life.

But buildings, as you all know, are only a part of any scene. Needed were/are locomotives, cars, automobiles, figures, and all kinds of mining junk. The items inherited from Duane are a working stamp mill, a shaft house, a hoist house, 4-5 accessory buildings and a crane. The stamp mill is really cool and I will document it completely as soon as I figure it out and get it running.

In the mean time there is a ton of work getting the mining district connected to the rest of the rail road and getting some rolling stock going. Here are the first of the pictures.

The sign (that I posted for our open house this Summer) says it all. The Love Letter Mining Company is the name I have given my mining company models.

This is the area that we are talking about. A raised planter between the existing railroad on the right and the dog kennels on the left. Here I have already started to put in crusher fines as a fill material.

This is the same area from the other side. The shade cloth to help keep the kennel area cooler will have to come down.


Well we have a start. Where it will go, who knows. Thanks for taking a look. Rick

Looks like a good start, looking forward to seeing more as you progress, good luck…

Looks like some serious labor soon so post a “work day” and I’ll be there. It was Duane brought me into the club.

Cool! You know I love mining stuff! Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.


This sounds like fun! what a great start to have all those structures ready built and…a working stamp mill! Wow!

Cant wait. Will be a nice addition to your RR.


Nice of you to honor your friends thoughts, I’m sure it can be a driving force. Please keep us in the loop.

seems to be a very good start to me… Will enjoy following the progress… :slight_smile:

Nice way to remember a friend, Rick. Looks like a good start on the expansion.

Thanks all for the encouragement.

The “project” is about the same size as my first garden railroad. Isn’t it funny how more “right-of-way” is always wanted, thank goodness I have the right of “Imminent Domain”. Anyway here are a couple of progress shots. Here you can see that I have built up the lower planter to bring the stamp mill to the proper height for the rail delivery of ore cars from the upper level. The trestle to carry the tippers will come in behind the mill (between the mill and the fence) and dead end just past the mill.

As you see the wire fencing and wheel rim are gone but the post will reamin and become the mounting point for a prototype bell clanger.

Here is a shot a little higher up showing some of the buildings sitting around on the crusher fines fill that brought everything up to finish grade. You can see the shaft house standing high on the right side just past the post. The small mine/mill building sitting in the background at the left will be used to represent an abandoned mill area in the final design, I think.

Thanks for taking a look

Lookin’ good Rick. Nice way to remember a good friend.

Terrific start !!

In a ideal world when we leave the hobby it would be great if this could be what happens to the majority of our equipment. a passing on to a friend or the next generation to carry on the essence of the previous empire . . . .

Will be lookin’ to see the ongoing development :slight_smile:

doug c

Hi all,
A couple of more shots of the progress I have made. I have added a “Cement board” backdrop that I can mound dirt against and hopefully it will protect the wood fencing. There is a 1 inch air space between the fence and the cement board except for the supports to keep the CB from deforming to badly with the moisture.

As you can see I painted a light hint of hills in the background, hopefully it will be a little less distracting than the board fence or the dog houses as a background.

Thanks for looking.

It is progressing nicely, Rick… :slight_smile:

Nice. That’s a good looking mill.

And I still have to build my mill! I do have windows and doors!

Keep up the good work!

Hi all, Back with a little update. Here, I am starting to backfill the wall where the abandoned mine building will sit. The white 3" PVC pipe is to let the water hose run into the sump at the base of the tree. The water buckets and wading pool for the dogs is just behind the Cement Board wall, this pipe allows the hose to be stuck in it and let run till the water cools down enough to fill the buckets. It is also a good way to water the tree.

The abandoned mine building is in place and most of the rockwork done. I haden’t really planned on it but “wife” says that we will plant some ground cover amongst the rocks around the building.

Here is another view of the scene it makes it a little easier to see the sump or dry lake bed, which ever you prefer. Actually I think I will call it a toxic waste dump for all the chemicals from the abandoned mining site, in another 70 years the government can declare it a “Super Site” and allocate a bunch of funds to clean it up. You can also see the cribbing and rock retaining walls better in this view.

Till the next installment Thanks for looking.


Looking good.

oops double post